摘要 | 在查阅文献的基础上,以天目山国家级自然保护区、清凉峰国家级自然保护区和百山祖国家级自然保护区为重点调查区域,对浙江省野生兰科(Orchidaceae)植物的区系组成及特点、生活型和地理成分类型进行了调查和分析。 结果显示:浙江省共有野生兰科植物 2 亚科 45 属 89 种(含变种),其中杓兰亚科(Subfam. Cypripedioideae)1 属1 种、兰亚科(Subfam. Orchidoideae)4 族 44 属 88 种;以单种和寡种分布的属所占比例最大,共占总属数的 84. 4% ;中国特有种 22 种,占总种数的 24. 7% 。 生活型包括地生型、附生型和腐生型,各有 62、24 和 3 种,以地生型为主。浙江省兰科植物区系中属的分布区类型可分为 10 个类型及 2 个亚型,以热带亚洲至热带大洋洲分布型属和东亚分布型属为主,占总属数的 22. 2% ;热带分布成分有 22 属 35 种,分别占总属数和总种数的 48. 9% 和 39. 3% ,温带分布成分有 19 属 27 种,分别占总属数和总种数的 42. 2% 和 30. 3% 。 在浙江省兰科植物区系中包含了杓兰属(Cypripedium L.)、头蕊兰属(Cephalanthera L. C. Rich.)和朱兰属(Pogonia Juss.)等较原始类群,同时中国特有种类丰富,且表现出本地特有种的分化。 综合分析结果表明:浙江省野生兰科植物区系的热带亲缘关系较强,起源较古老且分化程度较高,在系统与演化研究方面具有一定意义。 |
Abstract | Based on document consulting, and taken Tianmu Mount National Nature Reserve, Qingliangfeng National Nature Reserve and Baishanzu National Nature Reserve as key investigation areas, floristic composition and feature, life-form. and geographical composition type of wild Orchidaceae in Zhejiang Province were investigated and analyzed. The results show that there are 89 wild species (including varieties) belonging to 45 genera, 2 subfamilies of Orchidaceae in Zhejiang Province, in which 1 species belonging to 1 genus of Subfam. Cypripedioideae and 88 species belonging to 44 genera, 4 tribes of Subfam. Orchidoideae. The percentage of genera with single species and a few species is the largest with an accounting for 84. 4% of total genus number, and the number of Chinese endemic species is 22 with an accounting for 24. 7% of total species number. The life-form. includes edaphic, epiphytic and saprophytic types, each with 62, 24 and 3 species, respectively, in which edaphic type is the main one. Distribution type of genus of Orchidaceae flora in Zhejiang Province can be divided into ten types and two subtypes. The genus number belonging to Trop. Asia to Trop. Australia type and E. Asia type is the most with an accounting for 22. 2% of total genus number. Tropical distribution composition has 22 genera 35 species accounting for 48. 9% and 39. 3% of total genus and species number, respectively, and temperate distribution composition has 19 genera 27 species accounting for 42. 2% and 30. 3% of total genus and species number, respectively. Orchidaceae flora in Zhejiang Province includes some relative primitive taxa of Cypripedium L., Cephalanthera L. C. Rich., Pogonia Juss., etc and Chinese endemic species are abundant and appears differentiation of local endemic species. The comprehensive analysis results indicate that the tropical affinity relationship of Orchidaceae flora in Zhejiang Province is stronger, its origin is more ancient and differentiation degree is higher with a certain significance in system and evolution researches. |
关键词 | 兰科; 浙江省; 生活型; 分布区类型; 中国特有种 |
Key words | Orchidaceae; Zhejiang Province; life-form; distribution type; Chinese endemic species |
作者 | 田敏1, 王彩霞1, 牛晓玲2, 汪凤珍1 |
所在单位 | 1. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所, 浙江 富阳 311400; 2. 浙江省天目山国家级自然保护区管理局, 浙江 临安 311311 |
点击量 | 1427 |
下载次数 | 1035 |
基金项目 | 浙江省科技重大攻关项目(2010C02004-2); 中央级公益性科研院所专项资金项目(RISF060703; RISF060925) |