2025年3月15日 星期六
Evaluation of germplasm resources and fruit utilization of species in Elaeagnus L. in Guangdong
2008年 第17卷 第1期 页码[57-61]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

在标本查阅和野外调查的基础上,对广东省胡颓子属(Elaeagnus L.)植物资源现状进行了综合评价,并对产量高且可生产性强的部分种类的果实矿质元素及氨基酸等营养成分的含量进行了分析测定。结果表明,广东产胡颓子属植物11种1变种,其中一些种类的果实中含有丰富的矿质元素;角花胡颓子(E. gonyanthes Benth.)和密花胡颓子(E. conferta Roxb.)果实的营养价值较高、果实较大、有明显酸味,可作为第3代果品加工的生产资源;生存环境的保护对广东省胡颓子属植物资源的保护极其重要。 


Based on field investigation and specimen consulting, the status of plant resources of Elaeagnus L. in Guangdong Province are comprehensively evaluated, and contents of nutrient constituents, including mineral elements, amino acids etc., in fruits of some species are determined. The results show that there are 11species and 1variety of Elaeagnus in Guangdong Province, and contents of minerale lements in fruits of some species of Elaeagnus arerich. Fruits of E. gonyanthes Benth. and E. conferta Roxb. are bigger and have higher nutrition value than that of the other species, and tasted sour, both of them are worth exploiting and utilizing for the third fruit resources. Protection of habitation is very important for plant resources conservation of Elaeagnus in Guangdong Province.

关键词胡颓子属; 种质资源; 营养成分; 评价; 广东省
Key wordsElaeagnus L.; germplasm resources; nutrient constituent; evaluation; Guangdong Province
作者崔大方,付勉兴,陈考科,刘 柯