2025年1月26日 星期日
Studies on virus elimination of Pseudostellaria heterophylla
2005年 第14卷 第4期 页码[25-29]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

采用茎尖分生组织法、热处理结合茎尖法、病毒唑处理结合茎尖法对6个不同产地的太子参〔Pseudostellaria heterophylla(Miq.)Pax ex Pax et Hoffm.〕组培苗进行了脱病毒研究。经生物检测、ELISA法和电镜检测表明,热处理结合茎尖法脱病毒效果最好,脱毒率高达100%;病毒唑处理结合茎尖法和茎尖分生组织法脱毒率分别为79.64%和74.29%。不同产地太子参的脱病毒效果不同。根据实验结果提出了太子参的脱病毒繁育程序,其中复壮培养基中PP333的最适浓度为0.5~1.0 mg·L-1,最适生根培养基为1/2 MS+0.3 mg·L-1NAA。


The virus elimination studies on Pseudostellaria heterophylla (Miq.) Pax ex Pax et Hoffm. from 6 different geographical regions were carried out by the meristem-tip culture, the meristem-tip culture combining with thermotherapy or ribavirin methods. The de-virus seedlings were inspected by the biological test, ELISA and SEM methods. The results indicated that the de-virus rate of seedlings by means of the meristem-tipculture combining with thermotherapy or combining with ribavirini and the meristem-tip culture methods were 100.00%, 79.64% and 74.29% respectively. Different effects on virus elimination of the plants from different geographical regions were observed. The procedure of virus elimination of P. heterophylla was proposed. The results indicated that the most suitable concentration of PP333 was 0.5-1.0mg·L-1and the optimized medium for rooting was 1/2MS + 0.3mg·L-1NAA.

关键词太子参; 脱病毒; 脱病毒繁育程序;
Key wordsPseudostellaria heterophylla (Miq.)Pax ex Pax et Hoffm.; virus elimination; procedure of virus velimination