2025年3月14日 星期五
Selection of hormone combination for induction and proliferation cultures of callus from Abelmoschus sagittifolius
2012年 第21卷 第1期 页码[118-120]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

Taking cotyledon and hypocotyl of Abelmoschus sagittifolius (Kurz.) Merr. as explants, the optimal hormone combinations for induction and proliferation cultures of their calli were selected. The results show that the growth status of callus is better with an induction rate of 100. 0% on MS medium (containing 5. 5 g·L-1 agar and 30 g·L-1 sugar, pH 6. 0) with 1. 0 mg·L-1 2,4-D and 0. 1 mg·L-1 KT, so this hormone combination is suitable for callus induction. And cotyledon is better than hypocotyl as explant for callus induction of the species. The effect of callus proliferation is the best with an average increment of 9. 74 g per culture bottle on MS medium with 2 mg·L-1 6-BA and 1. 0 mg·L-1 NAA, so this hormone combination is optimal for callus proliferation culture of A. sagittifolius cotyledon.

关键词箭叶秋葵; 愈伤组织; 诱导; 增殖; 激素组合
Key wordsAbelmoschus sagittifolius (Kurz.) Merr.; callus; induction; proliferation; hormone combination
作者胡能兵, 何克勤
所在单位安徽科技学院植物科学学院, 安徽凤阳233100