2024年12月17日 星期二
The applying potential of purifying sewage with Ranunculus sceleratus L.
2004年 第13卷 第2期 页码[17-20]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

采用水培技术,研究了石龙芮(Ranunculus sceleratus L.)在净化城市生活污水中的应用潜力。经5d培养,石龙芮处理组总氮(K N)、总磷(TP)浓度分别降低到2.93和0.0976mg·L-1,总去除率分别达到97.47%和98.44%;氧化还原电位(Eh)迅速提高;pH值得到一定的改善;浊度迅速下降,72h后达到5度。而对照组K N、TP浓度分别为35.42和1.27mg·L-1,总去除率仅为52.29%和61.31%;氧化还原电位上升缓慢;浊度下降缓慢,72h后仍为57.8度。结果表明石龙芮在富营养化水体控制及水生生态修复中具有很大的应用潜力。


The applying potential of Ranunculus sceleratus L. to purify sewage was studied with water culture method. After 5 d cultivating, the concentration of total nitrogen (K-N) and total phosphorus (TP) in sewage treated with R. sceleratus were reduced to 2.93 and 0.097 6 mg·L-1 respectively, and total removal ratios were 97.47% and 98.44% respectively; the redox level increased quickly; the pH was amended; and the turbility reduced quickly, it reached to 5 degree after 72 h. Contrastively, the K-N and TP concentration of controls were 35.42 and 1.27 mg·L-1 respectively, total removal ratios were 52.29% and 61.31% respectively; the redox level increased slowly; and the turbidity reduced slowly, and it yet remained 57.8 degree after 72 h cultivation. The result shows that there is large application potential for R. sceleratus in eutrophication control and water ecological restoration.

关键词石龙芮; 污水净化; 总氮; 总磷;
Key wordsRanunculus sceleratus L.; wastewater purifying; total nitrogen(K-N); total phosphorus (TP)
基金项目中国科学院知识创新工程领域前沿项目; 土壤圈物质循环国家重点实验室重大支柱项目"土壤侵蚀与沉积物NP再循环对滇池水体环境的影响研究"(005301);