摘要 | 在吐鲁番、敦煌、民勤和天水4个地区进行了连续4年的沙漠葳〔Chilopsis linearis(Cav.)Sweet〕引种栽培试验,结果表明:沙漠葳是嗜热喜光的阳性树种,在吐鲁番生长表现良好,苗高、地茎、冠幅、主根长及侧根数等指标远高于其他试验区,苗高的年平均生长量可达2.26 m,是其他3个试验区的3倍以上,2年生苗即可正常开花结实;在敦煌和民勤地区,沙漠葳能开花但种子不能成熟,植株生长量小,且受冬季低温和初春大气干旱的危害严重;在天水地区沙漠葳生长表现较好并能越冬存活,但不能正常开花结实。沙漠葳的营养生长与年均温度和≥10℃有效积温呈显著正相关,相关系数分别达0.986 8和0.992 1,而与日照时数和相对湿度的相关性不显著。 |
Abstract | The introducing and cultivating trials ofChilopsis linearis(Cav.)Sweet had been carried out in Turpan, Dunhuang, Minqin and Tianshui of China for continuous4 years. The results showed that C. linearis favoring heat and light grew well. In Turpan, the height, ground diameter, width, main root length and lateral root number of seedlings were extremely higher than that of other trial spots; and the annual average growth of seedling height was 2.26 m, whichwas3 times more than other spots; 2-year-old seedlings could flower and fruit naturally. Though C. linearis seedlings could flower naturally in Dunhuang and Minqin, it had no high growth quantilies and couldn′t fruit normally, and could be harmed severely by low temperature and atmosphere drought in early spring. In Tianshui, C. linearis grew well and could go through low temperature in winter to survive, but couldn′t flower and fruit naturally. The vegetative growth of C. linearis had the remarkable positive correlations with annual average temperature and≥ 10℃ effective temperature and the relative coefficients between them were 0. 986 8 and 0. 992 1 respectively, but had no distinct correlations with sunshine hours and relative humidity. |
关键词 | 沙漠葳; 引种; 适应性; |
Key words | Chilopsis linearis(Cav.)Sweet; introduction; adaptability |
作者 | 尉秋实1,赵 明1,李爱德1,张海波2 |
所在单位 | 1.甘肃省治沙研究所,甘肃武威733000; 2.吐鲁番沙漠植物园,新疆吐鲁番838000 |
点击量 | 1811 |
下载次数 | 1055 |
基金项目 | 国家林业局“948”项目资助〔2000-04-01(02)〕; |