摘要 | 采用实地调查、标本采集和查证相结合的方法,对湖南新宁野生藤本植物组成及多样性进行了研究。结果表明:新宁共有野生藤本植物49 科111 属354 种,分别占该区域植物科、属和种数的20. 50%、10. 72% 和11. 21%,包含蕨类植物2 科2 属2 种、裸子植物1 科1 属1 种、被子植物46 科108 属351 种;其中,双子叶藤本种类具有明显优势,木质藤本数量多于草质藤本,优势科明显但单种属和寡种属数量较多。在生活型上以高位芽藤本种类为主,占总种数的80. 80%,地下芽、一年生、地上芽和地面芽藤本种类较少,分别占总种数的6. 21%、5. 08%、4. 52% 和3.39%。在攀援方式上缠绕藤本具有明显优势,占总种数的46. 61%;卷曲类、搭靠类和吸固类藤本种类较少,分别占总种数的24. 58%、19. 49%和9. 32%。大部分藤本植物都具有2 种以上的观赏特性,其中以观叶植物最多,占总种数的90. 68%。繁育系统以两性花为主,单性花中雌雄异株种数多于雌雄同株,两性花、单性花和杂性花种类数分别占总种数的70. 90%、27. 69%和1. 41%。分布区类型以热带成分为主,温带成分也占较大比例,说明该区域的藤本植物分布具有从热带成分向温带成分渗透和过渡的特性。调查结果表明:新宁野生藤本植物组成复杂、多样性特征明显,与该区域植物区系在中亚热带季风湿润气候条件下受山丘地貌区复杂生境长期作用有关。
Abstract | By means of combining method of field survey, specimen collection and investigation, species composition and diversity of wild liana in Xinning County of Hu’nan Province were studies. The results show that there are wild liana of 354 species in 111 genera belonging to 49 families in Xinning, with accounting for 20. 50%, 10. 72% and 11. 21% of total number of family, genus and species in this region, respectively, which include pteridophyte of 2 species in 2 genera belonging to 2 families, gymnosperm of 1 species in 1 genus belonging to 1 family, and angiosperm of 351 species in 108 genera belonging to 46 families. In which, dicotyledon liana is obvious dominate in quantity and number of woody liana is more than that of herbaceous liana, and dominant family is obvious but number of singlespecies and oligo-species genera is more. In life-form. aspect, phanerophyte liana is predominate with-accounting for 80. 80% of total number of liana, while number of geophyte, therophyte, chamaephyte and hemicryptophyte liana is less with accounting for 6. 21%, 5. 08%, 4. 52% and 3. 39% of total number of liana, respectively. In climbing style, twining liana is the majority with accounting for 46. 61% of total number of liana, while number of curling, hooking and adhering liana is less with accounting for 24. 58%, 19. 49% and 9. 32% of total number of liana, respectively. The most liana in Xinning possess more than two ornamental characteristics, in which number of foliage plants is the most with accounting for 90. 68% of total number of liana. Bisexual flower is dominate in breeding system of liana, and of all, number of dioecism is more than that of monoecism in liana with unisexual flowers. Species number of bisexual, unisexual and polygamous flowers accounts for 70. 90%, 27. 69% and 1. 41% of total number of liana, respectively. The tropical component is the majority in areal-type and temperate component also accounts for a relatively great proportion, meaning that liana distribution in this region possesses penetration and transition property from tropical component to temperate component. It is suggested that composition of wild liana in Xinning is very complicated and its diversity characteristics is obvious, which relates to long-term effect of complex hill landform. habitat on flora of the region under subtropical humid monsoon climate condition.
关键词 | 湖南新宁; 藤本植物; 物种组成; 多样性; 生活型; 分布型 |
Key words | Xinning County of Hu’nan Province; liana; species composition; diversity; life-form; areal-type |
作者 | 王业社, 陈立军, 杨贤均, 段林东 |
所在单位 | 邵阳学院城市建设系, 湖南邵阳422000 |
点击量 | 1236 |
下载次数 | 1070 |
基金项目 | 湖南省教育厅青年基金资助项目(12B113); 湖南省科学技术厅计划项目(2013NK4106); 湖南省大学生科技创新项目(湘教通[2013] 191 号-342) |