2025年2月6日 星期四
Inter-specific association characteristics of dominant arbor species in Duozhijian mountainous region of Dabieshan Mountain in West Anhui
2011年 第20卷 第2期 页码[79-85]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

为探讨皖西大别山多枝尖山区植物群落中乔木树种间的相互关系,采用 X2检验、联结系数( AC)和共同出现百分率(PC)对出现频率大于 5% 的 30 个主要乔木树种间的种间联结特性进行了分析。 X2检验结果显示:在 30 个主要乔木树种组成的 435 个种对中,种间联结性显著(P<0. 05)或极显著(P<0. 01)的种对有 23 个,其中,正联结种对有 15 个,负联结种对有 8 个。 AC 值分析结果显示:具有明显正联结性(AC≥0. 4)的种对有 20 个,仅占种对总数的 4. 6% ;而具有明显负联结性(AC<-0. 6)的种对有 113 个,占种对总数的 26. 0% 。 PC 值分析结果显示:PC 值在0. 6 以上(PC≥0. 6)的种对有 22 个,占种对总数的 5. 1% ;PC 值低于 0. 2(PC<0. 2)的种对有 271 个,占种对总数的62. 3% 。 3 个指标的分析结果均表明:该区域植物群落主要乔木树种间具有明显正联结性的种对较少,大多数树种的种间联结较松散;物种生态习性、群落演替阶段和人为活动等因素是造成这一特性的主要原因。



In order to explore the interrelation among arbor species in plant community of Duozhijian mountainous region of Dabieshan Mountain in West Anhui, the inter-specific association characteristics among 30 dominant arbor species with more than 5% occurrence frequency were analyzed by X2-test, association coefficient (AC) and percentage of co-occurrence (PC). The X2-test result shows that in 435 species pairs composed of 30 dominant arbor species, there are 23 species pairs with significant (P<0. 05) or highly significant (P<0. 01) associations, in which, 15 species pairs are positive associations and 8 species pairs are negative associations. The analysis result of AC value shows that there are 20 species pairs with obviously positive associations ( AC≥0. 4), which only accounts for 4. 6% of total number of species pairs. While there are 113 species pairs with obviously negative associations (AC< -0. 6), which accounts for 26. 0% of total number of species pairs. The analysis result of PC value shows that PC value of 22 species pairs is above 0. 6 (PC≥0. 6), accounting for 5. 1% of total number of species pairs. While PC value of 271 species pairs is below 0. 2 (PC<0. 2), accounting for 62. 3% of total number of species pairs. All of analysis results of three indexes indicate that the number of species pairs with obviously positive associations is a few among dominant arbor species in plant community of this region, and species association among most species is loose. And the main reasons for causing the inter-specific association characteristics are ecological habits of species, community succession stage and human activity.

关键词乔木树种; 种间联结; X2检验; 联结系数; 共同出现百分率
Key wordsarbor species; inter-specific association; X2-test; association coefficient; percentage of co-occurrence
作者王志高1, 吴甘霖1, 段仁燕1 , 张中信1, 沈三保2
所在单位1. 安庆师范学院生命科学学院, 安徽 安庆 246011; 2. 鹞落坪国家级自然保护区管委会, 安徽 安庆 246600
基金项目安徽省高校省级自然科学基金重点项目(KJ2010A233); 安庆师范学院科研启动经费(044-K05000000219)