2025年2月18日 星期二
青海省不同产地秦艽花中獐牙菜苷和异荭草苷含量的HPLC 分析
Content analysis of sweroside and isoorientin in Gentiana straminea flower from different locations of Qinghai Province by HPLC
2010年 第19卷 第2期 页码[92-93]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

The contents of sweroside and isoorientin in Gentiana straminea Maxim. flower from ten locations of Qinghai Province were determined by HPLC. The results show that the content of isoorientin is higher than that of sweroside in G. straminea flower, and isoorientin and sweroside contents have certain differences among ten samples from ten locations. The content range of isoorientin and sweroside in ten samples is 0. 563% -0. 937% and 0. 346% -0. 453%, respectively. And isoorientin content in the sample from Xiangpishan and sweroside content in the sample from Xihaizhen are the highest. It is suggested that sweroside and isoorientin contents in G. straminea flower are affected by ecological environment of locations, and isoorientin content is affected more obviously.

关键词秦艽花; 獐牙菜苷; 异荭草苷; 产地; 高效液相色谱
Key wordsGentiana straminea Maxim. flower; sweroside; isoorientin; location; HPLC
作者张兴旺1,2, 陈晨1,2, 陶燕铎1, 梅丽娟1, 邵赟1
所在单位1. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 青海西宁810008; 2. 中国科学院研究生院, 北京100049