摘要 | 马尾树(Rhoiptelea chiliantha Diels et Hand. Mazz.)是20世纪30年代在贵州发现的第三纪古老单型科植物,在贵州台江县南宫林区局部形成以马尾树为次优种的群落。在600m2样方中有41科53属69种维管束植物,其中单种的属占75.4%。植物区系以热带分布区的类型为主,占总属数的62.9%,温带分布占13.7%。按Raunkiaer生活型分类系统,高位芽植物占94.2%,地面芽植物占5.8%。群落可分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层和层间植物层;在乔木层中,可分出一个亚层。在群落中大果蜡瓣花(Corylopsis muiliflora Hance)的重要值最大,为51.83%,其次为马尾树34.61%。保护马尾树这一物种在该地区具有重要的价值。 |
Abstract | Rhoiptelea chiliantha Dieis et Hand . -Mazz. is an ancient tertiary plant belonging to the monotype family Rhoipteleaceae, discovered in years of 1930′ in Guizhou Province, where there are some communities, in which R. chiliantha is a subdominant species. According to the investigations in 6 plots of total 600 m2 in the woody area of Nangong, Taijiang County, Guizhou, the communities consist of 69 species, 53 genera, 41 families of vascular plant. Of the 53 genera, 75. 4%are monotype. Analysis of floristic geographical elements showed that the percentage of tropical elements is high, making up 62. 7%of the total numbers of genera, temperate elements 13. 7 %.According to Raunkiaer′ s classification system of life form. the spectrum of life form. in the community shows that phanerophytes make up 94. 2%of total species, hemicryptophytes 5. 8%. The community can be structurally divided into arborous layer, shrub layer and herbaceous layer, the arborous layer can be subdivided up 1 sublayer too. In the community the importance value of Corylopsis multiflora Hance with 51. 83%is the biggest and R . chiliantha with 34. 61%in the second one. Therefore protecting R . chiliantha in the region is of important significance. |
关键词 | 马尾树; 群落学特征 |
Key words | Rhoiptelea chiliantha Dieis et Hand .-Mazz .; phytocoenological feature |
作者 | 杨礼旦 |
所在单位 | 贵州省台江县林业局, 贵州 台江 556300 |
点击量 | 1098 |
下载次数 | 901 |