摘要 | 对分布在福建省不同地区的樟树〔Cinnamomum camphora(L.)Presl〕叶油含量和主要化学成分进行分析,结果表明,J3(118°16′~119°29′)和W 1(28°18′~27°30′)交叉区域芳樟叶油含量(1.90%±0.30%)和芳樟醇含量(95.34%±1.10%)较高,可作为优良芳樟选育的重点区域;J2(117°03′~118°16′)和W 3(26°42′~25°54′)交叉区域桉樟叶油含量(1.36%±0.48%)和1,8-桉叶油素含量(10.44%±17.28%)较高,可以作为优良桉樟选育的重点区域。J2和W 2(27°30′~26°42′)交叉区域樟脑叶油含量(1.13%±0.65%)和樟脑含量(4.80%±13.97%)较高,可以作为优良脑樟选育的重点区域;J4(119°29′~120°43′)和W 6(24°18′~23°31′)交叉区域黄樟叶油含量(1.05%±0.34%)和黄樟油素含量(9.01%±16.73%)较高,可以作为优良黄樟选育的重点区域。樟树叶油含量和主成分类型及含量呈明显的地理分布。 |
Abstract | The content and its mostly chemical composition of leaf oil from Cinnamomum camphora(L.) Presl in different places of Fujian Province were analyzed. The results showed that the oil yield (1.90%± 0.30%) and linalool content (95.34%± 1.10%) of C. camphora were more abundant in the cross area of J3(118°16′- 119°29′)and W1(28°18′- 27°30′) than other areas. The oil yield and 1,8-cineole content were 1.36%± 0.48% and 10.44%± 17.28% in the cross area of J2(117°03′-118°16′) and W3 (26°42′-25°54′) respectively; the oil yield and camphor content were 1.13%±0.65% and 4.80%± 13.97% in the cross area of J2 and W2 (27°30′- 26°42′) respectively; the oil yield and safrole content were 1.05%±0.34% and 9.01%± 16.73% in the cross area of J4(119°29′-120°43′) and W6 (24°18′- 23°31′) respectively. These distinct geography areas could be regarded as important areas for selecting C. camphora.The oil content and the type and content of main component in oil showed distinct geography distributing.
关键词 | 樟树; 叶油; 地理变异; |
Key words | Cinnamomum camphora (L.)Presl; leaf oil; geographic variation |
作者 | 张国防,陈存及,赵 刚 |
所在单位 | 福建农林大学,福建福州350002 |
点击量 | 1550 |
下载次数 | 1058 |
基金项目 | 福建省林业厅重大种苗攻关项目资助(200306); |