2024年10月23日 星期三
Analysis on bryophyte flora in fluctuating belt of Dongfeng Reservoir area in Wujiang River of Guizhou Province
2017年 第26卷 第1期 页码[97-103]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

采用典型调查与路线调查相结合的方法,对贵州乌江东风水库库区消落带苔藓植物区系的物种组成、生活型、分布区类型和丰富性进行了调查和分析。结果表明:该区域共有苔藓植物18科58属101种,其中,藓类植物有16科56属99种,苔类植物有2科2属2种;优势科为灰藓科(Hypnaceae)、青藓科(Brachytheciaceae)和丛藓科(Pottiaceae),优势属为青藓属(Brahchythecium B. S. G.)、真藓属(Bryum Hedw.)和小曲尾藓属〔Dicranella (Müll. Hal.) Schimp.〕;单属科和单种属所占比例均较高,分别占该区域苔藓植物总科数和总属数的50.0%和63.8%。该区域分布的苔藓植物生活型可分为交织型、丛集型、垫状和平铺型4类,以丛集型种数最多(48种),占该区域苔藓植物总种数的47.5%。该区域分布的苔藓植物可划分为12个分布区类型,其中,温带成分种类最多,所占比例为81.5%;热带成分所占比例仅为18.5%;中国特有种所占比例也较高,为20.7%。该区域苔藓植物的丰富性综合系数(Si)为-0.360 8,低于相邻的六冲河下游流域。综合分析结果表明:该区域的苔藓植物多样性较为丰富,多数种类具有较强的抗逆性,且丛集型苔藓种类最多,与库区消落带的特殊生境相适应;地理成分以东亚成分和北温带成分为主,总体属温带性质,且中国特有种较多,反映出该区域苔藓植物区系的特殊性和复杂性。


Composition, life-form, distribution type and richness of bryophyte flora in fluctuating belt of Dongfeng Reservoir area in Wujiang River of Guizhou Province were investigated and analyzed by method of combining typical and route investigations. The results show that there are totally 101 species belonging to 58 genera in 18 families of bryophytes in this area, in which, there are 99 species belonging to 56 genera in 16 families of mosses, and 2 species belonging to 2 genera in 2 families of liverworts. The dominant families are Hypnaceae, Brachytheciaceae and Pottiaceae, and the dominant genera are Brahchythecium B. S. G., Bryum Hedw. and Dicranella (Müll. Hal.) Schimp. The percentages of single-genus family and single-species genus are relatively high, accounting for 50.0% and 63.8% of total family and total genus numbers of bryophytes in this area, respectively. Life-form. of bryophytes distributed in this area can be divided into 4 types, i.e. weft, turf, cushion and mat. Among them, species number of turf is the highest (48 species), accounting for 47.5% of total species number of bryophytes in this area. Bryophytes distributed in this area can be divided into 12 distribution types, in which, species of temperate element is the most with a percentage of 81.5%; the percentage of tropical element is only 18.5%; the percentage of Chinese endemic species is relatively high with a percentage of 20.7%. Richness comprehensive coefficient (Si) of bryophytes in this area is -0.360 8, which is lower than that of contiguous downstream area of Liuchong River. The comprehensive analysis result shows that the diversity of bryophytes in this area is relatively high, most of the species have a strong stress resistance, and species of turf bryophytes are the most, which is adapted to the special habitat in fluctuating belt of reservoir area. Geographical elements are mainly composed of East Asia and North Temperate elements with temperate property in general. Moreover, there are abundant Chinese endemic species in this area, and it reflects the particularity and complexity of bryophyte flora in this area.

关键词苔藓植物; 东风水库; 消落带; 物种组成; 物种丰富性; 分布区类型
Key wordsbryophyte; Dongfeng Reservoir; fluctuating belt; species composition; species richness; distribution type
作者邓坦a,b, 何林a,b, 邓伟a
所在单位遵义师范学院: a. 生物与农业科技学院, b. 贵州省赤水河流域植物资源保护与应用研究特色重点实验室, 贵州 遵义 563006
基金项目贵州省自然科学基金资助项目(黔科合J字[2012]2337号); 贵州省“125计划”重大科技专项(黔教合重大专项字[2014]036)