2025年3月14日 星期五
Effect of paclobutrazol and mepiquat chloride on growth of branch and leaf before budding, and on trait and active component content of flower bud of Lonicera japonica
2014年 第23卷 第1期 页码[99-103]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

以忍冬品种‘九丰一号’(Lonicera japonica ‘Jiufeng 1’)为实验材料,采用叶面喷施方法研究了不同质量浓度多效唑和缩节胺对现蕾前(抽枝生长初期)枝叶生长和叶片叶绿素含量以及花蕾性状和花蕾中绿原酸和总黄酮含量的影响。结果显示:分别喷施100、400、700 和1 000 mg·L-1多效唑和50、100、150 和200 mg·L-1 缩节胺后,多数处理组的开花枝条数、着花节数和叶绿素含量较对照CK1(水)有不同程度提高,但叶面积差异不明显。随处理时间延长,各处理组枝条节间长度总体上呈逐渐增加的趋势,其中多数处理组枝条节间长度增长缓慢。各处理的花蕾长度、百蕾鲜质量和干质量总体上小于CK1,而花蕾折干率、总黄酮含量和绿原酸含量显著或不显著高于CK1。此外,在喷施多效唑和缩节胺的同时喷施质量体积分数1. 0% 尿素和质量体积分数0. 1% 硼砂,忍冬的叶面积、着花节数、花蕾长度、折干率、百蕾鲜质量和干质量总体上有所提高,而绿原酸含量降低,但各指标的差异总体较小。研究结果表明:喷施适量多效唑和缩节胺可调控忍冬枝条生长,并能提高花蕾中总黄酮和绿原酸含量。


Taking Lonicera japonica ‘Jiufeng 1’as experimental materials, effects of paclobutrazol and mepiquat chloride with different concentrations on growth of branch and leaf and chlorophyll content in leaf before budding (at the early shooting stage), and flower bud trait and contents of total flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in flower bud were researched by foliage spraying method. The results show that after spraying 100, 400, 700 and 1 000  mg·L-1paclobutrazol and 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg·L-1 mepiquat chloride, respectively, numbers of flowering branch and flowering node, and chlorophyll content of most treatment groups increase with different degrees compared to those of the control (CK1, water), but the difference in leaf area is not obvious. With prolonging of treating time, inter-node length of branch in all treatment groups appears the trend of increasing gradually, but in most treatment groups, increasing of inter-node length of branch is slow. Flower bud length and fresh and dry weights of 100-flower buds in all treatment groups are generally less than those of CK1, but drying rate and contents of total flavonoids and chlorogenic acid of flower bud are significantly or unsignificantly higher than those of CK1. Moreover, as spraying paclobutrazol and mepiquat chloride simultaneously spraying  mass-volume fraction 1. 0% urea and mass-volume fraction 0. 1% borax, leaf area, number of flowering node, length of flower bud, drying rate, and fresh and dry weights of 100-flower buds increase generally, while chlorogenic acid content decreases, but differences among different indexes are smaller generally. It is suggested that spraying moderate amount of paclobutrazol and mepiquat chloride can regulate branch growth and increase contents of total flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in flower bud of L. japonica.

关键词忍冬; 多效唑; 缩节胺; 枝叶生长; 花蕾性状; 有效成分含量
Key wordsLonicera japonica Thunb.; paclobutrazol; mepiquat chloride; growth of branch and leaf; flower bud trait; active component content
作者崔志伟1, 王康才1, 郑晖2
所在单位1. 南京农业大学园艺学院, 江苏南京210095; 2. 三明生物工程公司, 江苏镇江212000