摘要 | 以组织培养的暗紫贝母(Fritillaria unibracteata Hsiao et K .C .Hsia)为材料, 野生暗紫贝母为对照, 用不同溶剂提取, 得 4 个化学组分:总生物碱部分、总皂甙部分、水溶性部分和脂溶性部分, 并以生药粉为阳性对照进行药效学试验。 结果表明:组培贝母与野生贝母有相似的止咳 、祛痰作用;总皂甙部分与总生物碱部分均为川贝有效活性成分, t 检验表明两者之间无显著性差异;经 T LC 检查, 总生物碱部分与总皂甙部分无化学成分重叠。 |
Abstract | The experiments of pharmacological action of cultured bulb of Fritillaria unibracteata Hsiao et K .C .Hsia were compared w ith wild bulb as control.The materials of w ild and cultured bulb were extracted with different solvents respectively .The obtained four extracts (total alkaloid , total saponin , water soluble compounds and fat soluble compounds) w ere used for pharmacological experiments as compared with crude drug pow der .The results indicated that the bulbs from both origins have same pharm acological action in relieving coug h and removing phlegm .Total alkaloid and total saponin are all active parts and no significant difference under t test , checking with TLC , no overlapping chemical compound is found . |
关键词 | 暗紫贝母; 生物碱; 皂甙; 止咳; 祛痰 |
Key words | Fritillaria unibracteata H siao et K .C .Hsia; alkaloid; saponin; relieving cough; removing phlegm |
作者 | 高山林 ,夏 艳 ,谭丰苹 |
所在单位 | 中国药科大学, 南京 210038 |
点击量 | 1488 |
下载次数 | 1043 |
基金项目 | 国家中医药管理局重点课题(课题号:995A3112) |