摘要 | 采用茎尖组织培养技术获得了半夏〔Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit.〕的完整试管苗,并进行了半夏叶不同部位诱导胚状体和愈伤组织的试验;以生长率和总生物碱含量作为指标,对不同激素配比进行了正交试验,筛选出了最佳的培养基组成。结果表明:诱导胚状体和愈伤组织的最佳外植体是半夏的叶柄基部,诱导率分别为43.6%和100.0%,月生长率达24.43倍;最佳培养基为MS+1.0mg/L6 BA+0.1mg/LIAA。研究结果为半夏人工种子的进一步研究奠定了基础。 |
Abstract | The plantlets in vitro in meristems culture of Pinellia ternata ( Thunb. )Breit. were achieved. Suitable explant part of leaves for inducing embryoid and callus was investigated. Growing rate and content of total alkaloids were calculated in orthogonal test to optimize combination of phytohormones and auxins for inducing embryoid and callus.The results indicated that the most suitable part for inducing embryoid and callus was the base of petiole. The inducing rate reached as high as 43. 6%and 100.0% respectively, and growing rate of them in one month was 24. 43; the optimized medium for inducing embryoid and callus was MS +1. 0 mg/L 6-BA +0. 1 mg/L IAA , which will lay the base in further research of artificial seed of P. ternata . |
关键词 | 半夏; 胚状体; 愈伤组织; 正交试验; 生物碱 |
Key words | Pinellia ternata ( Thunb . )Breit.; embryoid; callus; orthogonal test; alkaloid |
作者 | 白雨,高山林 |
所在单位 | 中国药科大学江苏南京210038 |
点击量 | 1098 |
下载次数 | 765 |