2025年3月10日 星期一
Species niche characteristics and interspecific associations in Sonneratia × hainanensis community in Qinglan Port of Hainan Province
2023年 第32卷 第5期 页码[70-77]    下载全文[1.2MB]  

对海南清澜港海南海桑(Sonneratia × hainanensis W. C. Ko, E. Y. Chen et W. Y. Chen)群落现状进行系统调查,采用Levins指数、Pianka指数、Schoener指数和方差比率(VR)等指标以及χ2检验对海南海桑群落中物种生态位特征和种间联结性进行了研究。结果显示:海南海桑群落共有14种(变种,下同)植物,隶属于8科10属,其中海南海桑的重要值(33.48%)和生态位宽度(Levins指数为14.40)在群落中均排名第1,明显高于其他物种。14种植物共组成91个种对,其中Pianka指数和Schoener指数小于0.5的种对数分别占总种对数的86.8%和92.3%,说明群落中大部分物种间的生态位重叠程度和生态位相似性较低,种间竞争不激烈。海南海桑群落物种间总体表现为不显著负联结,并有84.6%的种对联结性不显著,说明群落物种间联结性不强,具有一定的独立性。海南海桑与其他植物组成的13个种对中,显著联结种对数仅占38.5%,说明海南海桑与群落中大部分物种联结性较弱。综合分析认为,生态位特征和种间联结不是海南海桑濒危的主要因子,可从开展人工辅助育种工作、加大就地保护力度和优化迁地保护策略方面考虑海南海桑种群的保护与恢复。



The current situation of Sonneratia × hainanensis W. C. Ko, E. Y. Chen et W. Y. Chen community in Qinglan Port of Hainan Province was systematically investigated, and species niche characteristics and interspecific associations in S. × hainanensis community were studied by using indexes including Levins index, Pianka index, Schoener index and variance ratio (VR), and χ2 test. The results show that there are a total of 14 species (variety, the same below) in S. × hainanensis community, belonging to 10 genera of 8 families, in which the importance value (33.48%) and niche width (Levins index is 14.40) of S. × hainanensis both rank the first in the community, which are evidently higher than those of the other species. 14 species constitute 91 species pairs in total, in which numbers of species pairs with Pianka index and Schoener index smaller than 0.5 account for 86.8% and 92.3% of the total number of species pairs respectively, indicating that the niche overlap degree and niche similarity between most species in the community are relatively low, and the interspecific competition is mild. The overall association among species in S. × hainanensis community shows a non-significant negative association, and 84.6% of the species pairs have no significant association, indicating that association between species is not strong, and there is a certain degree of independence. Among the 13 species pairs composed of S. × hainanensis and the other plants, the number of significant associated species pairs accounts for only 38.5%, indicating that the association between S. × hainanensis and most species in the community is weak. The comprehensive analysis shows that niche characteristics and interspecific associations are not the major factors for the endangerment of S. × hainanensis, and conservation and restoration of S. × hainanensis community should be considered from multiple aspects namely conducting artificial assisted breeding, strengthening in situ conservation, and optimizing ex situ conservation strategies.

关键词红树植物; 海南清澜港; 海南海桑群落; 生态位特征; 种间关系
Key wordsmangrove plant; Qinglan Port of Hainan Province; Sonneratia × hainanensis W. C. Ko, E. Y. Chen et W. Y. Chen community; niche characteristics; interspecific relationship
作者张孟文, 钟才荣, 吕晓波, 方赞山, 程成
所在单位海南省林业科学研究院(海南省红树林研究院), 海南 海口 571100