2025年3月14日 星期五
Effects of medium proportion on tissue culture of stem segment and rooting of plantlet of Rhododendron molle ‘Jinzhizhu’
2019年 第28卷 第2期 页码[115-117]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

Taking stem segments of oneyearold branch of Rhododendron molle ‘Jinzhizhu’ as explants, and using WPM medium (containing 6.5 g·L-1 agar, pH 5.6) as basic medium, effects of medium proportion on differentiation of stem segment, proliferation of adventitious bud and rooting of plantlet were studied. The results show that differentiation rate of stem segment is the highest (83.3%) in induction medium (containing 6.5 g·L-1 agar and 30 g·L-1 sucrose, pH 5.6) with 1.0 mg·L-1 2-ip and 0.1 mg·L-1 NAA, and is significantly higher than that in other media; proliferation rate of adventitious bud is the highest (93.3%) in proliferation medium (containing 6.5 g·L-1 agar, pH 5.6) with 1.0 mg·L-1 2-ip, 0.05 mg·L-1 NAA and 30 g·L-1 sucrose or 1.5 mg·L-1 2-ip, 0.10 mg·L-1 NAA and 20 g·L-1 sucrose, and proliferation multiple is also bigger. Rooting rate of plantlet is the highest in rooting medium (containing 6.5 g·L-1 agar and 30 g·L-1 sucrose, pH 5.6) with 0.50 mg·L-1 NAA, which reaches 70.0%, but combined addition of NAA and IBA has no evident promotion effect on rooting of R. molle ‘Jinzhizhu’ plantlet.

关键词‘金踯躅’; 茎段; 组培; 激素配比
Key wordsRhododendron molle ‘Jinzhizhu’; stem segment; tissue culture; hormone proportion
作者田晓玲1, 刘广超1, 何娇2, 路登宇2, 黄承玲1
所在单位1. 贵州民族大学人文科技学院, 贵州 贵阳 550025; 2. 贵州思源农旅综合开发有限公司, 贵州 盘州 553537
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(31770383); 江苏省第五期“333工程”科研资助项目(BRA2016463)