2025年1月16日 星期四
Analysis on total flavonoids content in grain of Hordeum vulgare and its processed products
2013年 第22卷 第3期 页码[118-120]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

Total flavonoids content in 98 grain samples of Hordeum vulgare Linn. collected from 22 provinces and cities and its processed products (including raw malt, torrefied malt and ustulate malt) were determined by visible spectrophotometry method, and also, effects of row types and seed coat bare situations on total flavonoids content in grain and its processed products were also studied. The results show that there are bigger differences in total flavonoids content among grain samples and its processed products from different sources, and generally, total flavonoids contents in grain, raw malt and torrefied malt of hull barley “Leqing heshenqiao damai”from Zhejiang are higher. The average of total flavonoids content in grain, raw malt, torrefied malt and ustulate malt of H. vulgare are 3. 23, 4. 47, 5. 41 and 6. 16 mg·g-1 , respectively with extremely significant difference, meaning that processing method has an extremely significant effect on total flavonoids content of H. vulgare. Generally, different row types and seed coat bare situations have no significant effect on total flavonoids content in grain and its processed products of H. vulgare.


关键词大麦; 籽粒; 炮制品; 总黄酮含量; 棱型; 种皮裸露
Key wordsHordeum vulgare Linn.; grain; processed products; total flavonoids content; row type; seed coat bare
作者贺丹霞1, 陆辉1, 刘惠娟1, 张平平2
所在单位1. 中国药科大学中药学院, 江苏南京211198; 2. 江苏省农业科学院, 江苏南京210014