2025年3月7日 星期五
不同产地丹参药材 HPLC 指纹图谱分析及4 种菲醌类成分含量的比较
Analysis on HPLC fingerprint of medicinal materials of Salvia miltiorrhiza from different locations and content comparison of four phenanthraquinone compounds
2012年 第21卷 第4期 页码[62-66]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

对 7 个产地丹参(Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge.)药材进行了 HPLC 分析并确定了其指纹图谱的共有模式谱,在此基础上比较了 7 个产地丹参药材中 4 种菲醌类成分(二氢丹参酮Ⅰ、丹参酮Ⅰ、隐丹参酮和丹参酮ⅡA)的相对含量。结果表明:来源于不同产地的丹参药材的 HPLC 图谱均有 21 个峰,其中有 8 个共有峰;各共有峰的相对保留时间基本相同,RSD 值均小于 0. 086% ;但相对峰面积差异明显。 以 4 号峰(二氢丹参酮Ⅰ)为参照峰,初步构建了丹参药材的 HPLC 指纹图谱的共有模式谱,7 个产地丹参药材的 HPLC 指纹图谱与共有模式谱的相似性良好,相似度值为0. 916 ~ 0. 973。 不同产地丹参药材中 4 种菲醌类成分的相对含量有明显差异,其中,河南产药材中 4 种菲醌类成分含量均最高,而河北产药材中均最低;此外,不同产地丹参药材中 4 种成分的组成比例也有明显差异。 根据实验结果,建议将丹参药材的 HPLC 指纹图谱的共有模式谱作为丹参药材质量控制和真伪辨别的标准之一。


HPLC analysis on medicinal materials of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. from seven locations was
carried out and its common pattern of HPLC fingerprint was determined. On these bases, relative content of four phenanthraquinone compounds including dihydrotanshinone Ⅰ, tanshinone Ⅰ, cryptotanshinone and tanshinoneⅡA in medicinal materials of S. miltiorrhiza from seven locations were compared. The results show that HPLC chromatogram of medicinal materials from different locations all contain twenty- one peaks, in which there are eight common peaks. And the relative retention time of common peaks is almost same with the RSD value lower than 0. 086% , but the difference in their relative peak area is obvious. Taking No. 4 peak (dihydrotanshinone Ⅰ) as the reference peak, the common pattern of HPLC fingerprint of medicinal materials of S. miltiorrhiza is constructed initially. And the similarity of HPLC fingerprints of medicinal materials of S. miltiorrhiza from seven locations to the common pattern is better with the similarity value of 0. 916 - 0. 973. There is obvious difference in relative content of four phenanthraquinone compounds in medicinal materials of S. miltiorrhiza from different locations, in which, those from He’nan all are the highest, while those from Hebei all are the lowest. Otherwise, the proportion of the four compounds in medicinal materials from different location has obvious difference, too. According to the experimental results, it is suggested that the common pattern of the HPLC fingerprint can be used as one of standards for quality control and identify authenticity of medicinal materials of S. miltiorrhiza.


关键词丹参; HPLC 指纹图谱; 相似度; 共有模式谱; 含量; 菲醌类成分
Key wordsSalvia miltiorrhiza Bge.; HPLC fingerprint; similarity; common pattern; content; phenanthraquinone compounds
作者袁晓, 高俊飞, 袁萍
所在单位中国科学院武汉植物园, 湖北 武汉 430074