2025年3月10日 星期一
黄科文1, 刘磊1, 王铤1, 林立金2, 梁东2, 廖明安2, 吕秀兰2, 黄艳1
2023年 第32卷 第3期 页码[98-100]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

通过盆栽实验,以9个葡萄(Vitis vinifera Linn.)品种‘巨峰’(‘Kyoho’)、‘峰后’(‘Fenghou’)、‘夏黑’ (‘Summer Black’)、‘光辉’(‘Guanghui’)、‘醉金香’(‘Zuijinxiang’)、‘美人指’(‘Manicure Finger’)、‘阳光玫瑰’(‘Shine Muscat’)、‘黑巴拉多’(‘Heibaladuo’)和‘紫甜无核’(‘Zitianwuhe’)为供试材料,比较在土壤硒质量浓度5 mg·kg-1条件下不同葡萄品种幼苗对硒富集的差异。结果显示:不同葡萄品种地下部和地上部中总硒含量总体上差异显著,其中,‘巨峰’地下部和地上部中总硒含量均最高,‘夏黑’地下部和地上部中总硒含量均最低。不同葡萄品种间总硒转运系数差异显著,其中,‘醉金香’的总硒转运系数最小。不同葡萄品种地下部和地上部中的硒均以有机硒为主,其中,‘巨峰’地下部和地上部中有机硒占比均在97%以上,而‘醉金香’地下部和地上部中有机硒占比均最低。整体上看,在9个葡萄品种中,‘巨峰’对硒的富集能力最强。


 Taking nine Vitis vinifera Linn. cultivars namely ‘Kyoho’, ‘Fenghou’, ‘Summer Black’, ‘Guanghui’, ‘Zuijinxiang’, ‘Manicure Finger’, ‘Shine Muscat’, ‘Heibaladuo’, and ‘Zitianwuhe’ as test materials, the differences in selenium enrichment of seedlings of different V. vinifera cultivars under the selenium mass concentration of 5 mg·kg-1 in soil were compared by using pot experiment. The results show that there are significant differences in total selenium contents in under- and above-ground parts of different V. vinifera cultivars in general, in which, the total selenium contents in under- and above-ground parts of ‘Kyoho’ are both the highest, while those in under- and above-ground parts of ‘Summer Black’ are both the lowest. There are significant differences in total selenium translocation factors among different V. vinifera cultivars, in which, the total selenium translocation factor of ‘Zuijinxiang’ is the lowest. The organic selenium is the major selenium in under- and above-ground parts of different V. vinifera cultivars, in which, the proportions of organic selenium in under- and above-ground parts of ‘Kyoho’ are both greater than 97%, while those in under- and above-ground parts of ‘Zuijinxiang’ are both the lowest. Overall, ‘Kyoho’ has the strongest selenium enrichment ability among nine V. vinifera cultivars.

关键词葡萄; 地下部; 地上部; 硒富集; 硒组成
Key wordsVitis vinifera Linn.; under-ground part; above-ground part; selenium enrichment; selenium composition
作者黄科文1, 刘磊1, 王铤1, 林立金2, 梁东2, 廖明安2, 吕秀兰2, 黄艳1
所在单位1. 成都市农林科学院园艺研究所, 四川 温江 611130; 2. 四川农业大学园艺学院, 四川 温江 611130
基金项目四川省科技厅项目(2020JDKP0039; 2021YFYZ0010; 2022JDKP0024)