2025年3月14日 星期五
Analysis on content variation of essential oil and linalool from leaf of Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera clones
2012年 第21卷 第2期 页码[117-118]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

Essential oil content and linalool relative content in leaf of excellent individual of Cinnamomum camphora var. inaloolifera Fujita. clones and their variation states were compared. The result shows that essential oil content of the maternal plant is 1. 78% and its linalool relative content is 97. 56% . Average content of essential oil in leaf of the first and the second generation clones of tissue culture and their cutting clone is 1. 65% , 1. 60% and 1. 58% with CV values of 9. 09% , 7. 50% and 7. 59% , respectively, and average relative content of linalool in these clones is 94. 32% , 94. 52% and 94. 60% with CV values of 0. 60% , 0. 73% and 0. 73% , respectively. There is some difference in essential oil content and linalool relative content between the first generation clone of tissue culture and the maternal plant, but the difference is small. Essential oil content and linalool relative content among these clones have no significant difference and those are stable within clones, indicating the clonal progeny can keep their parent’s good traits.

关键词芳樟; 无性系; 精油; 芳樟醇; 变异; 稳定性
Key wordsCinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera Fujita.; clone; essential oil; linalool; variation; stability
作者张国防, 于静波, 冯娟
所在单位福建农林大学, 福建 福州 350002