2025年3月14日 星期五
Analysis on niche of dominant species in Pseudolarix amabilis community in Changxing County of Zhejiang Province
2020年 第29卷 第5期 页码[58-65]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

为了解浙江长兴金钱松〔Pseudolarix amabilis (J. Nelson) Rehd.〕群落内优势种的生态位特征,以21个样方内各优势种的重要值为基础,对群落内各优势种的生态位宽度指数(包括Levins指数和Shannon-Wiener指数)、Pianka生态位重叠指数和Schoener生态位相似比例进行了分析。结果表明:供试21个样方内共有木本植物37科56属74种,包含18个优势种,其中,水竹(Phyllostachys heteroclada Oliver)、金钱松和毛竹〔Phyllostachys edulis (Carr.) J. Houz.〕的总体重要值排在前3位,分别为27.0%、13.8%和10.2%。金钱松、水竹和山胡椒〔Lindera glauca (Sieb. et Zucc.) Bl.〕的Levins指数和Shannon-Wiener指数排在前3位,其Levins指数分别为15.69、10.05和8.83,Shannon-Wiener指数分别为2.87、2.35和2.24;而青榨槭(Acer davidii Franch.)、茶条槭(Acer ginnala Maxim.)和枫香树(Liquidambar formosana Hance)的Levins指数和Shannon-Wiener指数均较低。在该群落优势种组成的153个种对中,26个种对的Pianka生态位重叠指数在0.5及以上,占种对总数的17.0%;6个种对的Schoener生态位相似比例在0.5以上,占种对总数的3.9%。金钱松与7个优势种的Pianka生态位重叠指数在0.5以上,仅与2个优势种的Pianka生态位重叠指数在0.3以下;其与2个优势种的Schoener生态位相似比例在0.5以上,与8个优势种的Schoener生态位相似比例在0.3以下。综上所述,浙江长兴金钱松群落内多数优势种间的生态位重叠水平和生态位相似性较低,但金钱松与其他优势种的生态位重叠水平相对较高。另外,水竹对金钱松种群的发展存在潜在威胁。


 To reveal the niche characteristics of dominant species in Pseudolarix amabilis (J. Nelson) Rehd. community in Changxing County of Zhejiang Province, niche breadth indexes (including Levins index and Shannon-Wiener index), Pianka niche overlap index, and Schoener niche proportional similarity of dominant species in the community were analyzed based on importance value of each dominant species in 21 quadrats. The results show that there are 74 species of woody plants belonging to 56 genera of 37 families in 21 test quadrats, including 18 dominant species, in which, the overall importance values of Phyllostachys heteroclada Oliver, P. amabilis, and Phyllostachys edulis (Carr.) J. Houz. are ranked in the top 3, which are 27.0%, 13.8%, and 10.2%, respectively. Levins index and ShannonWiener index of P. amabilis, P. heteroclada, and Lindera glauca (Sieb. et Zucc.) Bl. are ranked in the top 3, their Levins index are 15.69, 10.05, and 8.83, respectively, and their Shannon-Wiener index are 2.87, 2.35, and 2.24, respectively; while Levins index and Shannon-Wiener index of Acer davidii Franch., Acer ginnala Maxim., and Liquidambar formosana Hance are all relatively low. Among 153 species pairs composed of dominant species in the community, Pianka niche overlap index of 26 species pairs is 0.5 and above, which accounts for 17.0% of the total species pair number; Schoener niche proportional similarity of 6 species pairs is above 0.5, which accounts for 3.9% of the total species pair number. Pianka niche overlap index of P. amabilis with 7 dominant species is above 0.5, while that only with 2 dominant species is below 0.3; Schoener niche proportional similarity of P. amabilis with 2 dominant species is above 0.5, but that with 8 dominant species is below 0.3. Overall, niche overlap level and niche similarity among most dominant species in P. amabilis community in Changxing County of Zhejiang Province are relatively low, but niche overlap level of P. amabilis with other dominant species is relatively high. In addition, P. heteroclada has a potential threat to the development of P. amabilis population.

关键词金钱松; 优势种; 重要值; 生态位宽度; 生态位重叠; 生态位相似性
Key wordsPseudolarix amabilis (J. Nelson) Rehd.; dominant species; importance value; niche breadth; niche overlap; niche similarity
作者谢春平a,b, 刘大伟a,b, 南程慧a,b, 李浩a, 黄晨杨a, 张健a
所在单位南京森林警察学院: a. 刑事科学技术学院, b. 野生动植物物证技术国家林业和草原局重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210023
基金项目国家林业和草原局珍稀濒危物种野外救护与人工繁育项目(2019); 国家林业和草原局生物安全与遗传资源管理项目(KJZXSA202031)