2024年10月23日 星期三
Variation characteristics of biomass of epiphytic mosses on trunks on the eastern slope of Sygera Mountain and their affecting factors
2022年 第31卷 第5期 页码[19-26]    下载全文[1.1MB]  

在色季拉山东坡海拔3 700~4 400 m范围内,以样地内胸径大于30 cm的裂毛雪山杜鹃〔Rhododendron aganniphum var. schizopeplum (Balf. f. et Forrest) T. L. Ming〕、方枝柏(Juniperus saltuaria Rehder et E. H. Wilson)和急尖长苞冷杉〔Abies georgei var. smithii (Viguie et Gaussen) W. C. Cheng et L. K. Fu〕树干为调查对象,对3个树种树干不同高度〔距地面0(基部)、50、100和150 cm处〕和不同方位(东部、南部、西部和北部)附生藓类生物量进行了比较。结果表明:在色季拉山东坡样地中,3个树种树干附生藓类植物共有19科33属57种,优势科为曲尾藓科(Dicranaceae)、紫萼藓科(Grimmiaceae)和提灯藓科(Mniaceae)。3个树种树干附生藓类生物量随着海拔的升高波动减小,海拔3 700 m处生物量最大(125.00 g·m-2),海拔4 400 m处生物量最小(29.00 g·m-2)。从不同树干高度看,树干基部附生藓类生物量最大(78.10 g·m-2),其后依次为树干距地面50、150、100 cm处,树干附生藓类生物量分别为49.60、37.50和26.90 g·m-2。从树干不同方位看,树干西部附生藓类生物量最大,其后依次为树干东部、北部、南部。上述研究结果显示:色季拉山东坡树干附生藓类生物量受样地海拔及藓类在树干上的高度和方位综合影响。


Taking trunks of Rhododendron aganniphum var. schizopeplum (Balf. f. et Forrest) T. L. Ming, Juniperus saltuaria Rehder et E. H. Wilson, and Abies georgei var. smithii (Viguie et Gaussen) W. C. Cheng et L. K. Fu with diameter at breast height greater than 30 cm in plots within the altitude range of 3 700-4 400 m on the eastern slope of Sygera Mountain as survey objects, the biomass of epiphytic mosses at different heights 〔0 (base), 50, 100, and 150 cm to the ground〕 and on different orientations (east, south, west, and north) of trunks of three tree species were compared. The results show that in the plots of eastern slope of Sygera Mountain, there are 57 species of epiphytic mosses belonging to 33 genera of 19 families on trunks of three tree species, and the dominant families are Dicranaceae, Grimmiaceae, and Mniaceae. The biomass of epiphytic mosses on trunks of three tree species show a fluctuation decrease tendency with the increase of altitude, and the biomass is the largest at the altitude of 3 700 m (125.00 g·m-2) and the smallest at the altitude of 4 400 m (29.00 g·m-2). In terms of different heights of trunks, the biomass of epiphytic mosses at the base of trunks is the largest (78.10 g·m-2), followed by those at 50, 150, 100 cm of trunks to the ground in order, and the biomass of epiphytic mosses on trunks are 49.60, 37.50, and 26.90 g·m-2 respectively. In terms of different orientations of trunks, the biomass of epiphytic mosses on the west of trunks is the largest, followed by those on the east, north, south of trunks in order. It is suggested that the biomass of epiphytic mosses on trunks on the eastern slope of Sygera Mountain are comprehensively affected by the altitude of plots and height and orientation of mosses on trunks.

关键词树干附生藓类; 生物量; 色季拉山; 海拔
Key wordsepiphytic mosses on trunk; biomass; Sygera Mountain; altitude
作者马和平1a,1b,1c,1d, 石玉龙2, 赵文茵1a,1b,1c,1d
所在单位1. 西藏农牧学院: a. 高原生态研究所, b. 西藏高原森林生态教育部重点实验室, c. 西藏林芝高山森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站, d. 西藏自治区高寒植被生态安全重点实验室, 西藏 林芝 860000; 2. 四川省雅安市林业局, 四川 雅安 625015