2025年1月22日 星期三
Ethnobotanical culture of fig trees in Xishuangbanna
1996年 第5卷 第4期 页码[48-52]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

榕树是桑科榕属(Ficus L.)乔木种类的总称,在西双版纳热带森林中有48种(不包括变种),是一个物种最多、种群较大的类群,与生活在森林中的各族人民有密切的关系,形成了独特的民族榕树文化。西双版纳各民族利用多种榕树的嫩枝叶、果子作蔬菜和水果,利用多种榕树治疗疾病,一些种类被当地民族视为“神(龙)树”和“佛树”,各族人民还在村寨附近、寺庙庭院和家庭庭园中栽培多种榕树,既供日常生活之需,又改善村社的生态环境。它不仅关系到自然生态系统的平衡,而且对人与自然的协调发展有重要意义。


Fig trees, the common name of Ficus L. arbores, are a group with the most number of species ( 48 species ) and larger populations in the tropical rainforest of Xishuangbanna, Southern Yunnan. They are closely related to different indigenous people who live in the forest. The nationalities in Xishuangbanna have rich experience in using the young shoot, leaf and fruit of fig trees for vegetables, medicines and fruits. Some species are considered as holy tree or Buddhism tree. Many fig trees planted in the homegarden, temple yard and other places around the villages have played the important role onimproving the ecological environment and satisfying the daily needs for local people. It not only relates to the balance of ecosystem, but also has great importance to the coordinated development between human and nature.

关键词榕树; 民族植物文化;
Key wordsfig trees; Ficus L.; ethnobotanical culture
所在单位中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 ,云南省勐腊县 666303