2025年2月5日 星期三
Change in pollen viability of Pinus dabeshanensis at different storage temperatures
2016年 第25卷 第2期 页码[114-116]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

By means of MTT staining method, pollen viability of Pinus dabeshanensis C. Y. Cheng et Y. W. Law stored for 1-170 d under conditions of room temperature (20℃-28℃), 4℃and -20℃was measured. The result shows that pollen viability of P. dabeshanensis is 95. 97% during pollen flourishing period. When storage for 7 d at different temperatures, pollen viability is still over 90%. Pollen viability decreases to 40. 33% when storage for 75 d at room temperature, while that decreases to 81.67% and 73.33% when storage for 75 d at 4℃and -20℃, respectively. But when storage for 115 d at different temperatures, pollen viability is lower than 20%. It is indicated that short-term (one month) storage at room temperature is suitable to keep pollen viability of P. dabeshanensis, but 4℃is more suitable for keeping pollen viability for longer time..

关键词大别山五针松; 贮藏温度; 贮藏时间; 花粉活力; MTT 染色法
Key wordsPinus dabeshanensis C. Y. Cheng et Y. W. Law; storage temperature; storage time; pollen viability; MTT staining method
作者项小燕, 吴甘霖, 段仁燕, 王志高, 张中信, 王广艳
所在单位安庆师范大学生命科学学院, 安徽安庆246133
基金项目国家林业公益性行业科研专项(201304314); 安徽省教育厅自然科学重点项目(KJ2016A437)