2024年12月23日 星期一
Growth and fruiting of Rabbiteye blueberry in Nanjing Area
1998年 第7卷 第3期 页码[28-32]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

从美国引入的 12个兔眼蓝浆果 ( Vaccinium ashei Reade)品种在南京地区的生长和开花结果情况表明 ,大部分品种与原产地无明显差别树冠略小于原产地除个别品种外 ,单株产量一般高于或与原产地相近说明兔眼蓝浆果对南京地区自然条件比较适应但各品种适应程度有差异适应性最强的品种有 BrightwellBluebelleClimax Ga rdenblue, 最差的是 Delite, 其他品种一花期早晚与倒春寒危害有关 ,值得注意


It was shown by the growth, flowering and fruiting of the 12 cultivars of rabbiteye blueberry in Nanjing introduced from the United States that no significant difference has been found with those in the original producing area. The crown size is a little smaller and, with very few exceptions, most of the cultivars have higher yield per plant or so than that in the United States. That means the rabbiteye blueberry is rather adapta ble to the natural condition of Nanjing area. But the degree of adaptation are different. Among the 12 cultivars, Brightwell, Bluebelle, Climax and Gardenblue are the best and Delite is the worst. The risk of frost injury in spring is related to the blooming period of different cultivars.

关键词兔眼蓝浆果; 生长; 产量
Key wordsrabbiteye blueberry; growth; yield
作者王传永 ,吴文龙 ,於 红, 顾 姻
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所,南京 210014