摘要 | 采用RAPD方法对分布于安徽的珍稀濒危植物安徽羽叶报春(Primula merrilliana Schltr.)和毛茛叶报春(P. cicutariifolia Pax)的10个居群进行了DNA基因组多态性分析,从50条10碱基随机引物中筛选出14条能扩增出稳定性和重复性好的DNA片段的引物,共扩增出85条带,其中多态性带67条,占总数的78.8%。安徽羽叶报春与毛茛叶报春的多态位点分别达到71.6%与66.7%,因而推测主要致濒因素可能不是通常认为的低水平的遗传多样性。采用N J法对遗传距离构建的树状图进行聚类分析,从分子角度证明了安徽羽叶报春与毛茛叶报春是2个自然的物种,同时也说明了它们的遗传多样性与生境多样性的密切相关性。由于这2个物种具有地处黄山风景区的地理优势和花朵多、花期长、花姿优美等观赏性特点以及遗传优势,如加以合理的开发与利用,可以作为观赏花卉新资源。 |
Abstract | Primula merrilliana Schltr. and P . cicutariifolia Pax are two rare and endangered species in Anhui Province of China. At present, there is a rapid decrease in quantity and distribution areas of the two species. Random amplified polymorphic DNA technique was used to analyze the genetic diversity of individuals from 10 natural populations of the two species. Fifty 10-mer arbitrary primers were screened out. 14 selected primers produced good polymorphic patterns and a total of 85 DNA bands were amplified, among which 67 were polymorphic ( 78. 8% ) . The percentage of polymorphic loci of P.merrilliana and P . cicutariifolia are 71. 6%and 66. 7% , respectively, which shows that the genetic diversity decreasing may not be one of the major threatening factors. Dendrograms of populations of the two specieswere generated by using N-Jmethods. The results support the view that P .merrilliana and P. cicutariifolia are two separate species at molecular level, and demonstrate that genetic diversity is closely related to habitat diversity. Because the two species possess the geographic advantage, richness of flowers, the long span of flowering time and their greater genetic diversity, it is prosperous for the two species to be new ornamental resources. |
关键词 | 安徽羽叶报春; 毛茛叶报春; RAPD; 系统学意义; 观赏新资源; |
Key words | Primula merrilliana Schltr.; Primula cicutariifolia Pax; RAPD; systematic significance; new ornamental resources |
作者 | 张小平;陈明林 |
所在单位 | 安徽师范大学生命科学学院;安徽芜湖;241000 |
点击量 | 1145 |
下载次数 | 945 |
基金项目 | 安徽省自然科学基金资助项目(98242017); 安徽师范大学校青年基金资助项目(2002XQN47); |