2025年2月19日 星期三
Dynamic change of total flavonoids content in Gynura bicolor and G. divaricata
2009年 第18卷 第4期 页码[79-81]    下载全文[0.4MB]  

The dynamic change of total flavonoids content in above-ground part of Gynura bicolor (Willd. ) DC. and G. divaricata (L. ) DC. from two locations was researched. The result shows that the total flavonoids content in G. bicolor and G. divaricata leaf is lower in June and July, higher in the beginning and the middle of August and then has a certain decrease with a great fluctuation. Total flavonoids content in leaf of G. bicolor reaches the highest with a value of 12.031 mg·g-1 at the 15th August, and that in leaf of G. divaricata-1(from Zhejiang of China) and G. divaricata-2 (from South America) is the highest at the 1st August with a value of 17.381 and 19.935 mg·g-1,respectively. The total flavonoids content in leaf of G. bicolor and G. divaricata is higher than that in stem. Except leaf of G. divaricata-2,the total flavonoids content in stem and leaf appears decreasing trend from upper to lower part gradually. Therefore, taking total flavonoids content for an index, it is suitable to harvest upper leaf of G. bicolor, upper leaf and stem of G. divaricata-1,and whole leaf of G. divaricata-2 in August.

关键词红凤菜; 白子菜; 总黄酮含量; 动态变化
Key wordsGynura bicolor(Willd.)DC.; G. divaricata (L.)DC.; total flavonoids content; dynamic change
南京市科技计划项目(200501015; 200601052