Abstract | The main nutrient content and mineral element content in fresh bamboo shoots of Pleioblastus amarus(Keng)Keng f., P. juxianensis T.H.Wen et al. and P. maculatus(McClure) C.D.Chu et C.S.Chao were determined. The results show that the water content in fresh bamboo shoots of P. amarus ,P. juxianensis and P. maculatus is 91.32%,90.87% and 91.69%,respectively,and the difference is not significant. And crude fiber content is 13.9, 18.8 and 19.3 g·kg-1, crude fat content is 8.90,7.20 and 6.60 g·kg-1,ash content is 10.90,4.10 and 7.60 g·kg-1,VC content is 0.133,0.154 and 0.087 g·kg-1,crude protein content is 21.2,19.5 and 14.0 g·kg-1,reducing sugar content is 0.80,1.20 and 2.20 g·kg-1 ,respectively, and the significant difference exists among the three species. K content in fresh bamboo shoots of the three species is the highest(1 152.8-1 628.1 μg·g-1),and Ca and Mg contents are 63-86 μg·g-1.Zn content in that of P. amarus, P. juxianensis and P. maculatus is 22.4,21.9 and 20.3 μg·g-1,respectively,and the difference is not obvious. Otherwise, there is 16.2 μg·g-1 Fe and 0.30 μg·g-1 Cr in fresh bamboo shoots of P. amarus,but Fe and Cr can not be detected in that of P. juxianensis and P. maculatus. |
关键词 | 苦竹属; 竹笋; 营养成分; 矿质元素; |
Key words | Pleioblastus Nakai; bamboo shoot; nutrient; mineral element |
作者 | 杨永峰1,黄成林2 |
所在单位 | 1.中国林业科学研究院林业研究所国家林业局林木培育重点实验室,北京100091; 2.安徽农业大学林学与园林学院,安徽合肥230036 |
点击量 | 1322 |
下载次数 | 973 |
基金项目 | “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD03A1602); |