2025年3月14日 星期五
5 种药用植物对小鼠的降血糖作用
Effect of five Chinese traditional medicinal plants on lowering blood glucose level to mice
2002年 第11卷 第2期 页码[29-32]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

对菊叶三七(Gnura divaricatium O. Hoffm .)、仙鹤草(Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb .)、夏枯草(Prunella vulgaris L.)、女贞
(Ligustrum lucidum Ait .)和枸骨(Ilex cornuta Lindl.et Paxt.)的降糖作用进行了初步的研究菊叶三七鲜样的水提
(0.2 0 .4 g/ kg)95%乙醇提取物(0.2 0.4 g/ kg)对正常小鼠的血糖有显著的降低作用 , 干样 95 %乙醇提取
(0.5 1.0 2.0 g/ kg)对四氧嘧啶糖尿病小鼠的血糖有显著的降低作用, 其中鲜样 95 %乙醇提取物(0.4 g/ kg)
, 干样 95 %乙醇提取物(2 .0 g/ kg)的降糖作用与降糖灵(0.1 g /kg)相当仙鹤草的水煎液(30
60 g kg)对正常小鼠的血糖有显著的降低作用, 95%乙醇提取物(3060 120 g kg)
夏枯草的 95%乙醇提取物(30 60 120 g/ kg)和女贞子的95 %乙醇提取物(11.25 22.50
g /kg
)对四氧嘧啶糖尿病小鼠的血糖均有一定的降低作用枸骨的正丁醇提取物(30 60 g/ kg)对四氧嘧啶糖尿病
实验结果表明, 菊叶三七是一种值得开发的降糖植物资源


Pharmacological experiments of Gnura divaricatium O .Hoffm., Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb .,
Prunella vulgaris L ., Ligustrum lucidum Ait .and Ilex cornuta Lindl.et Paxt .
on lowering blood glucose were carried out .The water and 95 % ethanol extracts (0 .2 and 0 .4 g /kg)from fresh herbs of G. divaricatium showed remarkable effects on lowering blood glucose le/vel to normal mice , in which the dose 0 .4g /kg of the 9 5 %ethanol extracts showed more efficiency than glyburide.The 9 5 %ethanol extracts (0 .5 ,1 .0 and 2 .0 g /kg)from dried herbs of G.divaricatium could obviously decrease blood glucose to alloxan diabetic mice , in which the dose 2 .0 g /kg of it showed equivalent effect as same as 0 .1 g/ kg phenformin .The doses 30 and 60 g/ kg of the boiled water extracts from A. pilosa possessed a remarkable effect on lowering blood glucose level to normal mice, while its 95 %ethanol extracts (30 , 60 and 120 g /kg)played certain role in lowering blood glucose level to alloxan diabetic mice .The 95 %ethanol extracts from P . vulgaris (30 , 60and 120 g/ kg)and L .lucidum (11 .25 and 22 .50 g/ kg)all exerted some effects on lowering blood glucose level to alloxan diabetic mice .However , the n-butanol extracts from I .cornuta (30 and 60 g/ kg)had no effect on decreasing blood glucose level to both alloxan diabetic mice and normal mice.The results showed G. divaricatium was an outstanding plant worthy to be utilized to develop medicines for diabetes mellitus .

关键词糖尿病; 降血糖; 菊叶三七; 药用植物
作者李维林1, 2 , 吴菊兰1 , 任冰如1 , 郭荣麟1 , 周爱玲1 , 郑汉臣2
所在单位1.江苏省中国科学院植物研究所 江苏省植物迁地保护重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210014;
2.第二军医大学药学院, 上海 200433