摘要 | 研究了菰〔Zizania latifolia(Griseb.)Stapf〕、菖蒲(Acorus calamus L.)及它们的复合体系对富营养化水体的净化效果。结果表明,菰和菖蒲在供试富营养化水体中均能正常生长,二者单独种植体系或等量混合种植体系对富营养化水体均有一定的净化能力。单独种植的菰和菖蒲及二者的混合种植体系对供试水体中总氮的去除率分别为92.8%、92.7%和94.9%;对氨氮的去除率分别为95.5%、97.4%和96.6%;对总磷的去除率分别为83.9%、94.3%和84.7%;对CODCr的去除率分别为83.0%、85.5%和86.7%。单独种植的菖蒲对总磷的去除效果明显好于单独种植的菰和二者的混合种植体系。菰和菖蒲的混合种植体系对富营养化水体的净化效果与单独种植体系无明显差异。 |
Abstract | The purification efficiencies of Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Stapf, Acorus calamus L. and their complex system to eutrophic water were studied. The results showed that both Z. latifolia and A. calamus could grow well in eutrophic water. The removal rate of TN by monoculture and complex system of Z. latifolia and A. calamus was 92.8%, 92.7% and 94.9% respectively, and that of NH3-N, TP, COD Cr was 95.5%, 97.4%, 96.6% and 83.9%, 94.3%, 84.7% and 83.0%, 85.5%, 86.7% respectively. The monoculture system of A. calamus had greater effects on purifying TP than mono culture system of Z. latifolia and the two species complex system. There was no evident difference of purification efficiency to eutrophic water between complex system of the two species and monoculture system. |
关键词 | 菰; 菖蒲; 富营养化; 植物净化; |
Key words | Zizania latifolia(Griseb.)Stapf; Acorus calamus L.; eutrophication; phytopurification |
作者 | 王春景1,杨海军2,刘国经3,何松云3,周守标1 |
所在单位 | 1.安徽师范大学生命科学学院,安徽芜湖241000; 2.东北师范大学草地研究所,吉林长春130024; 3.深圳市西丽水库管理处,广东深圳518055 |
点击量 | 1481 |
下载次数 | 971 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30370280); 深圳市水务局西丽水库生态河道试验基金项目(143-130411); 安徽省重要生物资源保护与利用重点实验室专项基金项目; |