摘要 | 对拟赤杨(Alniphyllum fortunei Makino)纯林、拟赤杨-马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb.)混交林和拟赤杨-杉木〔Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.〕混交林中拟赤杨木材的物理力学性质和化学组分进行了测定和比较分析。结果表明,混交林中拟赤杨的木材密度、干缩系数和力学强度均大于纯林,且拟赤杨-马尾松混交林中拟赤杨木材的各指标值均最高。拟赤杨-杉木混交林中拟赤杨木材的热水抽出物、1%NaOH抽出物、苯醇抽出物、硝酸-乙醇纤维素和Klason木素含量分别为2.31%、18.63%、2.52%、45.74%和21.59%,均高于纯林;拟赤杨-马尾松混交林中拟赤杨木材的戊聚糖含量(22.98%)高于纯林。说明拟赤杨-马尾松混交林中拟赤杨木材的材性总体上最优,在拟赤杨木材品质培育过程中宜选择马尾松作为伴生树种。 |
Abstract | Physical and mechanical properties and chemical composition of Alniphyllum fortunei Makino wood in A. fortunei pure forest, A. fortunei-Pinus massoniana Lamb. mixed forest and A. fortunei Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. Mixed forest were determined and analyzed comparatively. The results showed that wood density, shrink age coefficient and mechanical strength of A. fortunei wood in mixed forests were higher than that in A. fortunei pure forest. Furthermore, those indexes of A. fortunei wood in A. fortunei-P. massoniana mixed forest were the highest. Content sof hot water extractive, 1% NaOH extractive, benzene-alcohol extractive, nitricacid-alcohol cellulose and Klason lignin of A. fortunei wood in A. fortunei-C. lanceolata mixed forest respectively reached to 2.31%,18.63%, 2. 52%, 45. 74% and 21. 59%,which were higher than that in A. fortunei pure forest. Pentosan content of A. fortunei wood in A. fortunei-P. massoniana mixed forest was 22.98%,which was higher than that in A. fortunei pure forest. It issuggested that in generally, the wood property indexes of A. fortunei wood in A. fortunei -P.massoniana mixed forest are the best. Therefore, P. massoniana is suitable for used as the associated tree species in process of timber culture of A. fortunei wood. |
关键词 | 拟赤杨; 纯林; 混交林; 材性 |
Key words | Alniphyllum fortunei Makino; pure forest; mixed forest; wood property |
作者 | 林秀芳1,林金国2,王水英2,陈慈禄3 |
所在单位 | 1.福建省林业调查规划院,福建福州350003; 2.福建农林大学材料工程学院,福建福州350002; 3.福建省顺昌县林业局,福建顺昌353200 |
点击量 | 1574 |
下载次数 | 1030 |
基金项目 | 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(B0110024); |