摘要 | 对中国伞形科滇芎属(PhysospermopsisWolff)和瘤果芹属(Trachydium Lindl.)12个种的果实表面微形态特征进行了扫描电镜比较观察。根据果实棱槽、外果皮细胞轮廓和蜡条纹饰的特征,这2个属的果实表面微形态可划分为3种类型:1)棱槽平滑-外果皮细胞轮廓不可见-无或少蜡质纹饰型;2)棱槽具瘤-外果皮细胞轮廓不可见-蜡质纹饰近平直或线纹型;3)棱槽粗糙-外果皮细胞呈4~6边形-蜡质纹饰波纹或网纹型。在此基础上,结合形态学特征探讨了滇芎属与瘤果芹属之间的关系和属下种间关系。 |
Abstract | The pericarp surface ornamentations of seven species of Physospermopsis Wolff and five species of Trachydium Lindl. in China were observed under SEM. The results indicated that the ornamentation variation of pericarp surface was obvious at interspecies and genus levels. Three types of fruits from this two genera were distinguished based on comparison of pericarp surface features of these species. The first and the second types were all characterized by invisible outline of cell on pericarp surface, but the ornamentation at the first type was lack or sparseness striate, which was lineate at the second type. The third type appeared the shape of cell on pericarp surface, which was often quadrangle to hexagon with the wavy stria or reticulate ornamentation. Furthermore, the evolutionary relationships between two genera and among species were separately discussed combining with external morphological features. |
关键词 | 滇芎属; 瘤果芹属; 伞形科; 果实; 微形态特征; |
Key words | Physospermopsis Wolff; Trachydium Lind.l; Apiaceae; fruit; micromorphological feature |
作者 | 蒲高忠1,2,刘启新1, |
所在单位 | 1.江苏省 中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园),江苏南京210014; 2.广西壮族自治区 中国科学院广西植物研究所,广西桂林541006 |
点击量 | 1348 |
下载次数 | 1000 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30370102); |