摘要 | ‘中山杉’(Taxodium ‘Zhongshanshan’)为落羽杉属(Taxodium Rich.)杂交品种,具有速生、耐水湿、耐盐碱、抗病虫害和材质优良等优点,广泛用于沿海防护林、农田林网和城市绿化建设及湿地生态修复。依据相关文献,从‘中山杉’的选育、抗逆性、扦插繁殖、推广应用和木材加工利用等方面对其研究成果进行了总结和分析;在此基础上,提出了‘中山杉’的进一步研究方向。总体来看,虽然‘中山杉’的各方面研究都取得了一定的成果,但兼顾稳定性和分辨率的分子鉴定新方法、组织培养体系、高效扦插繁殖技术、抗逆机制深入分析及成熟材性质综合评价等问题仍没有解决,均需要进一步的深入研究,从而为‘中山杉’的进一步选育和利用提供科学依据。
Abstract | Taxodium ‘Zhongshanshan’ is a hybrid cultivar of Taxodium Rich. with advantages of fast growth, resistances to waterlogging, salinealkaline, disease and pest, and good wood quality, etc., it is widely used in coastal protection forest, farmland shelterbelt network and urban greening construction, and wetland ecorestoring. According to related literatures, research results of breeding, stress resistance, cutting propagation, popularization and application, and wood processing and utilization, etc. of T. ‘Zhongshanshan’ were summarized. On the basis, further research directions of T. ‘Zhongshanshan’ were proposed. Overall, some achievements have been made on each research aspect of T. ‘Zhongshanshan’, but questions of new molecular identification methods with both stability and resolution, tissue culture system, high efficiency cutting propagation technique, indepth analysis on stress resistance mechanism, and comprehensive evaluation on mature wood property, etc. are still unsolved, all of them need to be further studied to provide scientific evidence for further breeding and utilization of T. ‘Zhongshanshan’. |
关键词 | ‘中山杉’; 选育; 抗逆性; 扦插繁殖; 推广应用; 木材加工利用 |
Key words | Taxodium ‘Zhongshanshan’; breeding; stress resistance; cutting propagation; popularization and application; wood processing and utilization |
作者 | 殷云龙, 於朝广, 华建峰 |
所在单位 | 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园) 江苏省落羽杉属树木种质创新与繁育工程研究中心, 江苏 南京 210014 |
点击量 | 1977 |
下载次数 | 1682 |
基金项目 | 中国科学院战略生物资源服务网络项目(kfj-brsn-2018-6-003); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31870592; 31700588); 江苏省现代农业重点研发计划(BE2018390) |