2024年7月17日 星期三
On the present situation of Fraxinus hupehensis and its sustainable utilization
1998年 第7卷 第3期 页码[19-22]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

对节白蜡 ( Frax inus hupehensis Ch′ǜ , Shang et Su)的分布数量和利用现状的调查结果表,其分布范围狭窄 ,资源贮量有限 ,有较大利用价值近年来 ,由于重利用轻保护 ,尤其是为制作树桩盆景而被大量采挖 ,野生资源遭到严重破坏 ,为此 ,提出了可持续利用对策


The survey on the distribution , quantity , and utility status of Fraxinus hupehensis Ch′ǜ , Shang et Su indicates that the plant distributes in a narrow area with limited resources. It has fair value of utility , particularly used for the tree materials in Penjing desig n, the wild resources has been destro yed seriously due to over ex ploitation and lack of proper conservation in recent years. In view of the present situation, some counterm easures for its sustainable utilization are pro posed.

关键词珍稀植物; 对节白蜡; 植物资源; 可持续利用
Key wordsrare plant; Frax inus hupehensis Ch′ǜ , Sha ng et Su; plant resources; sustainable utilization
作者明 军 ,廖卉荣
所在单位湖北农学院 ,荆州 434103