2024年9月13日 星期五
Effects of different substrates on in vitro rooting of Petunia hybrida
2005年 第14卷 第2期 页码[35-37]    下载全文[0.4MB]  

用泥炭、珍珠岩和芦苇末混配的9种基质进行矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida Vilm.)离体生根实验研究。结果表明,在泥炭基质上矮牵牛插穗的生根状况较好,3个品种的平均生根率达94.4%,显著高于含苇末的各基质。在泥炭基质上扦插的各品种的主根长和根数基本都高于芦苇末基质。芦苇末基质电导率高达2.77mS·cm-1,不适宜作为扦插基质。基质电导率和插穗生根率的相关性分析表明,矮牵牛扦插基质的电导率应控制在1.5mS·cm-1以下。IAA处理表明,激素对矮牵牛插穗生根影响不明显,基质和水分管理是扦插成功与否的关键。


Nine substrates consisted of different percentage  of peat, perlite and reed residue were used as in vitro rooting substrate for Petunia hybrida Vilm. The results showed that substrates based on peat were suitable for rooting. The average rooting rate of 3 cultivars in the peat were 94.4%, significantly higher than that of others, and root length, root number were significantly higher than that of reed residue, because the high electronic conductivity (EC) of reed residue caused the water loss of rooting. Relationship between EC of substrate and rooting rate indicated that the EC should be controlled below 1.5 mS cm-1 for rooting of P. hybrida shoot cuttings. Treatment of IAA had no significant effect on rooting, the results could give the conclusion that substrate and water management were the key issues of in vitro rooting of P. hybrida instead of plant growth  regulator treatment.

关键词矮牵牛; 离体生根; 基质;
Key wordsPetunia hybrida Vilm.; in vitro rooting; substrate