摘要 | 对福建五一林场马尾松 ( Pinus massoniana Lamb. )种子园 20个无性系的种子品质及单株球果产量进行了统计分析 ,结果表明: 无性系间在种子品质上存在着极显著差异 ,而无性系内除种子千粒重差异不显著外 ,其他性状 (果径、果长、单果重和单果出籽数 )差异极显著。 20个无性系的单株球果产量大多逐年上升。 同时对不同年份无性系结实的稳定性进行分析 ,划分出较稳定的无 |
Abstract | The seed traits and cone yields o f a single tree of Pinus massoniana Lamb. were analyzed in Forest Farm of Zhangping Wuyi. The result show ed that variation between clones of seed traits was more significant and variation within clones of the seed traits was also more significant except 1000-seed weight. With the age grown up, the cone yields of a single tree of 20 clones increased by years. The stability of cone production at different ages was analyzed. Finally , the clones with high genetic quality and ample production of seeds were selected out. |
关键词 | 马尾松; 无性系; 种子品质; 球果产量; |
Key words | Pinus massoniana Lamb.; clone; seed trait; cone yield |
作者 | 徐进,胡集瑞 |
所在单位 | 南京林业大学 ,南京 210037 福建漳平五一林场,漳平 364400 |
点击量 | 1380 |
下载次数 | 763 |
基金项目 | “八五”国家攻关课题的一部分 |