2025年1月22日 星期三
Fruit anatomical characters of Hydrocotyloideae ( Apiaceae) in China and its systematic significance
2002年 第11卷 第3期 页码[1-7]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

经对中国伞形科天胡荽亚科( Hydrocotyloideae) 中天胡荽属( Hydrocotyle L.) 积雪草属( Centella L.) 和马蹄芹属
( Dickinsia Franch.) 10 种植物果实解剖结构的观察比较, 发现 3 属的果实横切面以合生面为基准可以分成 2 个类型
即两侧压扁类型( 天胡荽属和积雪草属) 和背腹压扁类型( 马蹄芹属) 除此之外,
内侧是否有木化细胞层或厚壁细胞层以及最内层是否形成晶体细胞层, 内果皮细胞的层数排列方向以及有无
, 可以作为区分 3 属的重要解剖学特征在此基础上, 结合外部形态特征, 讨论了该亚科及其内部
属间区别及其演化关系认为马蹄芹属应归属于 Mulineae , 另外 2 个属应归属于天胡荽族
( Hydrocotyleae) ;3 属中积雪草属原始而马蹄芹属进化;天胡荽亚科可能不是自然的类群,



The comparative anatomical structure of fruits from 10 species of 3 genera ( Hydrocotyle L .,
Centella L .and Dickinsia Franch .) in Hydrocotyloideae of Apiaceae distributed in China is observed .
In median transection their mericarp are divided into 2 types based on the commissure, one flattened latrally ( Hydrocotyle and Centella ) and another flattened dorsally ( Dickinsia ) .In addition, other important distinctions of the mericarp anatomy in three genera are as follows :whether or not to have pigment granule, crystal cell layer, lignified cell layer and thicken wall cell layer in mesocarp ;arranging direction of the cells and cell layers in endocarp ;as well as whether to have oil tube in rib vallecula or not .On the bases of above anatomical characters the evolutionary relationship among them are discussed combining with the external morphological characters. Dickinsia belongs to the tribe Mulineae and other two genera the tribe Hydrocotyleae.The evolutionary level of Centella is the lowest and Dickinsia the highest in 3 genera.Hydrocotyloideae may be not a natural taxon just as the conclusion from DNA molecular information .

关键词天胡荽亚科; 天胡荽属; 积雪草属; 马蹄芹属; 果实; 解剖学
Key wordsHydrocotyloideae; Hydrocotyle L .; Centella L.; Dickinsia Franch .; fruit; anatomy
作者刘启新, 惠 红, 潘泽惠, 李碧媛
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所, 江苏 南京 210014
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目( 39870071 ) 和中国科学院生物分类区系特别支持项目