摘要 | 对徐长卿〔Cynanchum paniculatum (Bge.) Kitag.〕种子生活力与发芽生物学特性进行了观察。结果表明:秋收徐长卿种子贮藏至次年3和4月,生活力分别为87%和80%;种子表面用1%H2O2除菌预处理,有利于正常发芽,发芽率达82%,发芽时间提前1d,第3日出现发芽高峰。温度从15℃至30℃,发芽率逐渐升高;25℃时,种子第2天即开始发芽,出现最短发芽持续时间(5d)和最高发芽势(75%),因此,25℃是徐长卿种子发芽的最适温度。 |
Abstract | Germination characteristics of Xuchangqing 〔Cynanchum paniculatum ( Bge. ) Kitag.〕 seeds were observed, the vitality of seeds which were harvested last autumn were 87%and 80%in March and April respectively. The sterilization pretreatment with 1%H2O2 was propitious to the germination of the seeds, which the germination rate rose to 82. 0% , germinating one day ahead and there was a peak of germination vigor on the 3rd day. The germination rate increased gradually from 15℃to 30℃. Temperature 25 ℃was the most suitable temperature for the germination of seeds, in which the seeds germinated at second day, the continued time was 5 d and the germination vigor reached 75%. |
关键词 | 徐长卿; 发芽率; 发芽势; |
Key words | Cynanchum paniculatum ( Bge. ) Kitag.; germination rate; germination vigor |
作者 | 周义峰;杭悦宇;周丽莉;王康才 |
所在单位 | 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园)江苏南京210014 南京农业大学园艺学院江苏南京 210095 |
点击量 | 1102 |
下载次数 | 917 |
基金项目 | 江苏省南京市科技发展项目(20005067); |