摘要 | 在查阅历史资料的基础上,采用实地调查与走访当地群众相结合的方法,对广州从化市街口、城郊、江埔、太平、鳌头、良口、吕田、温泉和东明9 个管护区的古树名木进行逐株调查。结果表明:从化市古树名木分布范围广,9个管护区均有分布,但种类数和株数有较大差异;古树和大树主要分布在风水林中,并以群落的形式存在。从化市有古树名木2 104 株,隶属于41 科72 属90 种;其中,含5 种及以上的科有壳斗科(Fagaceae)、樟科(Lauraceae)、大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)、桑科(Moraceae)和柏科(Cupressaceae);无患子科(Sapindaceae)和壳斗科的古树名木株数较多,分别有553 和451 株;锥属[Castanopsis (D. Don) Spach]的古树名木种类最多(9 种);在从化市的古树名木中,荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.)和红锥(Castanopsis hystrix A. DC.) 的株数较多,分别为500 和301 株;绝大多数古树名木为乡土树种,种数达到89 种。树龄在100 a 以上的古树共有2 000 株,其中,树龄为100 ~ 199、200 ~ 299、300 ~399、400 ~499 和500 a 以上的古树分别有1 394、434、162、4 和6 株。62. 95% 的古树生长表现良好,生长表现一般的古树占总株数的30. 80%,而生长较差和濒死的古树分别仅占总株数的4. 65% 和1. 60%。根据调查结果,对从化市古树名木的管理和保护提出了一些建议。 |
Abstract | Based on consulting historical data, ancient and famous trees at nine areas of management and protection in Conghua City of Guangzhou, such as Jiekou, Chengjiao, Jiangpu, Taiping, Aotou, Liangkou, Lütian, Wenquan and Dongming, were investigated one by one using combining methods of field investigation and visiting local people. The result shows that ancient and famous trees distribute at nine areas above-mentioned with a wide distribution range, but there are greater differences in species number and individual number among nine areas. Ancient and big trees mainly distribute in the geomantic omen forests and exist in form. of community. In Conghua City, there are 2 104 ancient and famous trees belonging to 90 species in 72 genera and 41 families. The family with five or more species of ancient and famous trees is Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Moraceae and Cupressaceae and the individual number of ancient and famous trees in Sapindaceae and Fagaceae is more with 553 and 451 individuals, respectively. Species number of ancient and famous trees of Castanopsis (D. Don) Spach is the most with nine species. The individual number of Litchi chinensis Sonn. and Castanopsis hystrix A.DC. in all ancient and famous trees in Conghua City is more with 500 and 301 individuals, respectively. Most of the ancient and famous trees are native tree species with 89 species. There are 2 000 individuals of ancient trees with tree age more than 100 a, in which, the individual number with tree age of 100- 199, 200-299, 300-399, 400-499 and more than 500 a is 1 394, 434, 162, 4 and 6, respectively. Among these trees, 62. 95% are growing well, 30. 80% are growing generally and the trees growing poorly and dying are accounting for 4. 65% and 1. 60% of total individual number, respectively. According to these investigation results, some suggestions about management and conservation of ancient and famous trees in Conghua City were also put forward.
关键词 | 从化市; 古树名木; 资源; 种类组成; 保护 |
Key words | Conghua City; ancient and famous trees; resources; species composition; conservation |
作者 | 易绮斐, 王发国, 叶琦君, 刘东明, 陈红锋, 邢福武 |
所在单位 | 中国科学院华南植物园, 广东广州510650 |
点击量 | 1656 |
下载次数 | 1892 |
基金项目 | 广州市林业科技计划项目(广州市大古树名木本底调查和保护规划研究[0634041001]; 广州地区自然保护小区乡村风水林现状及地带性植被恢复研究[0934021001]) |