2025年2月11日 星期二
Effects of mixed substrates of plant wastes on root development of container seedlings of Cyclobalanopsis glauca and C. myrsinaefolia
2023年 第32卷 第2期 页码[92-94]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

以园土(A)、蚯蚓粪肥(B)、枝叶粉碎物堆肥(C)和碎木片(D)为基质成分,采用L9(34)正交试验设计对青冈〔Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst.〕和小叶青冈〔C. myrsinaefolia (Bl.) Oerst.〕3年生容器苗的根系发育相关指标进行了测定和比较。结果表明:总体来看,V(A)∶V(B)∶V(C)∶V(D)=1∶2∶2∶1混配基质中青冈以及V(A)∶V(B)∶V(C)∶V(D)=1∶4∶4∶2和V(A)∶V(B)∶V(C)∶V(D)=3∶2∶4∶0混配基质中小叶青冈的根系发育指标均较好。碎木片对2种植物根系综合评价指数的影响最大;理论上适宜青冈和小叶青冈根系发育的混配基质分别为V(A)∶V(B)∶V(C)∶V(D)=3∶4∶2∶1和V(A)∶V(B)∶V(C)∶V(D)=3∶2∶2∶1。


Taking garden soil (A), earthworm manure (B), branch and leaf crushing compost (C), and wood chip (D) as substrate components, the related indexes of root development of threeyearold container seedlings of Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst. and C. myrsinaefolia (Bl.) Oerst. were determinated and compared by using L9(34) orthogonal test design. The results show that the root development indexes of C. glauca in V(A)∶V(B)∶V(C)∶V(D)=1∶2∶2∶1 mixed substrate and C. myrsinaefolia in V(A)∶V(B)∶V(C)∶V(D)=1∶4∶4∶2 and V(A)∶V(B)∶V(C)∶V(D)=3∶2∶4∶0 mixed substrates are relatively good in general. Wood chip has the greatest influence on root comprehensive evaluation indexes of the two species, and the theoretically suitable mixed substrates for root development of C. glauca and C. myrsinaefolia are V(A)∶V(B)∶V(C)∶V(D)=3∶4∶2∶1 and V(A)∶V(B)∶V(C)∶V(D)=3∶2∶2∶1, respectively.

关键词青冈; 小叶青冈; 植物废弃物; 混配基质; 正交试验
Key wordsCyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst.; C. myrsinaefolia (Bl.) Oerst.; plant waste; mixed substrate; orthogonal test
作者张国威1,叶素芬2, 商侃侃1
所在单位1. 上海辰山植物园, 上海 201602; 2. 上海市园林工程有限公司, 上海 200083
基金项目上海市科技创新行动计划(21DZ1203006); 上海市绿化和市容管理局科技攻关项目(G212407); 上海建工集团股份有限公司科研计划项目(21YJKF-15)