2025年3月15日 星期六
Comparison on composition and flora of shrubs between North and South of Xinjiang
2014年 第23卷 第2期 页码[94-99]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

比较了北疆和南疆灌木植物的种类、组成及分布区类型的差异,新疆共分布有野生灌木植物39 属462 其中北疆分布有37 属350 南疆分布有28 属160 种的科最多,和60. 7%,、豆科(Leguminosae) 在属级水平上均以含1 种的属占优势。北疆和南疆灌木植物科的分布区类型均以世界广布型和北温带分布型为主,在北疆灌木植物中这2 和32. 4%和28. 6%其中,个分布型属的数量分别占总属数的26. 9%、在南疆灌木植物中则分别占总属数的31. 7% 。北疆和南疆灌木植物中分别包含特有种15 种,、69. 4%表明在科、属水平上2 北疆和南疆灌木植物在种类组成、分布区类型和特有种数量等方面有一定差异,并形成了一系列适应于当地生态环境的生存策略。


Based on consulting of document and specimen, and field investigation, differences in species, composition and areal type of shrubs between North and South of Xinjiang were compared, similarity of shrubs between two regions was analyzed. The results show that there are 462 species of wild shrubs belonging to 127 genera of 39 families in Xinjiang, in which there are 350 species belonging to 104 genera of 37 families in North of Xinjiang and there are 160 species belonging to 63 genera of 28 families in South of Xinjiang. The family number including 2-10 species is the most in shrubs of North and South of Xinjiang with 59. 5% and 60. 7% of total family number, respectively. And the common dominant families are Compositae , Leguminosae and Chenopodiaceae. The genera containing 1 or 2-10species predominate at genus level. The areal type of family of shrubs in both North and South of Xinjiang is mainly Cosmopolitan and N. Temp. types, in which number of family of these two areal types accounts for 43. 2% and 32. 4% of total family number of shrubs in North of Xinjiang and 50. 0% and 28. 6% of total family number of shrubs in South of Xinjiang, respectively. The areal type of genus of shrubs in both North and South of Xinjiang is mainly Mediterranea, W. Asia to C. Asia and N. Temp. types, in which number of genus of these two areal types accounts for 26. 9% and 22. 1% of total genus number of shrubs in North of Xinjiang and 31. 7% and 27. 0% of total genus number of shrubs in South of Xinjiang, respectively. Shrubs in North and South of Xinjiang contain 15 and 8 endemic species, respectively and moreover, contain some rare and endangered species and ancient relict species. Similarity coefficient of shrub flora between North and South of Xinjiang at family, genus and species levels is 86. 1%, 69. 4% and 40. 8%, respectively, showing that relationship of shrub flora at family and genus levels between two districts is closer. It is suggested that shrub species of North and South of Xinjiang are different in species composition, areal type, endemic number, etc., while all have obvious temperate characteristics and form. a series of survival strategy adapting to local ecological environment.

关键词北疆; 南疆; 灌木; 植物区系; 分布区类型; 相似性分析
Key wordsNorth of Xinjiang; South of Xinjiang; shrub; flora; areal type; similarity analysis
作者冯缨1, 张月婷2, 王喜勇1, 古力努尔1
所在单位1. 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所, 新疆乌鲁木齐830011;
2. 乌鲁木齐市林业局, 新疆乌鲁木齐830000