摘要 | 对海南岛尖峰岭林区海南重楼(Paris dunniana Lévl.)种群的生存状况进行了调查,并分析了其生存环境条件及种群结构特征与发展趋势。结果表明:在尖峰岭林区,只有35%的被调查沟谷生境存有海南重楼个体,大多数生境个体不足3株,平均种群密度仅为3.2株·km-2,小群聚株间距大(3~30m),种群联系程度低,呈孤立的分散状态。81%的调查个体株高低于100cm,而低于80cm的个体占75%以上;87.5%的个体未开花;平均根茎长10.5cm,变幅在4~20cm之间。植株小叶片数为3~9,只有34.3%的植株的小叶片数在7片或7片以上。个体年龄3~14a,缺失3a以下的幼年个体和10~11a的个体,种群年龄结构呈缺失的不正常的"菱"型。综合分析表明,该种的生境退化严重,种群数量小,有性繁殖能力极弱,种群处于衰退状态,如不采取有效的保护措施将濒于灭绝。 |
Abstract | The surviving status and existing situation of the population of Paris dunniana Lévl. were investigated at Jianfengling forest region in Hainan Province, the relevant habitats characteristics including climate, soil, and its existed forests were expounded. Furthermore, the population structure and development tendency were analyzed systematically. Ascribing to habitat loss and traditional harvest, only 35% of microhabitats investigated indeed were occupied by P. dunniana and the average population density was 3.2 plant·km-2.No more than 3 individuals existed in most microhabitats and the long distance(3- 30 m)was kept among individuals, implicating a low assembling intensity and relatively isolated interaction remained among the meta-populations. About 81% of all investigated individuals were shorter than 100 cm and even 75% shorter than 80 cm in height. About 87.5% of all individuals in the population were in nonsexual proliferous state with weak regeneration potential. The average length of rhizome was 10.5 cm. The individuals had 3- 9 leaflets but only about 34.3% had more than 7 leaflets. The age structure of the population showed abnormal shape for lack of the individuals with ages of 1-2 a and 10-11 a, displaying declining development tendency. The comprehensive analysis displayed that the population was in a rare state and even would develop in endangered state if no effective measures were implemented. |
关键词 | 海南重楼; 生存状况; 种群退化; 生境恢复; |
Key words | Paris dunniana Lévl.; existing situation; population decline; microhabitat restoration |
作者 | 包维楷1,王丽2 |
所在单位 | 1.中国科学院成都生物研究所,四川成都610041; 2.四川大学生命科学学院,四川成都610041 |
点击量 | 1650 |
下载次数 | 1129 |
基金项目 | 中国科学院知识创新工程重要研究方向项目专题(KSCX2 SW 104); 国家留学归国人员基金(200036705)共同资助; |