2025年3月7日 星期五
Effects of cultivating row spacing and topping measure on agronomic trait, seed yield and total lipid content of Euphorbia lathyris
2013年 第22卷 第3期 页码[75-80]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

在续随子(Euphorbia lathyris Linn.)种植过程中采用不同行距(25、30 和35 cm)和打顶方式(分别于出苗后1、2、3 和4 个月打顶,以不打顶为对照),分析和比较其农艺性状(单株干质量、株高和种子千粒质量)、种子产量、总脂含量和总脂产量的差异,并据此筛选出适宜续随子的种植行距和打顶措施。结果表明: 在不同栽培条件下续随子各农艺性状、种子产量以及总脂含量和产量均有明显差异。随行距增大,续随子的单株干质量、株高和千粒质量总体增加、种子产量无明显差异、总脂含量总体呈下降趋势、总脂产量则无明显变化规律;行距对续随子单株干质量、株高和总脂含量有显著影响,但对种子千粒质量、种子产量及总脂产量无明显影响。随打顶时间的推迟,续随子单株干质量逐渐提高、株高和种子千粒质量则呈波动的变化趋势、种子产量呈先高后低的变化趋势,但总脂含量及产量变幅不大;不打顶处理(对照)的续随子各农艺性状、种子产量以及总脂含量和产量均高于打顶处理;总体上看,打顶处理对续随子种子千粒质量、种子产量、总脂含量以及总脂产量均有极显著影响。选择行距30 cm、不打顶的方法,其种子产量和总脂产量均最高,分别达到871. 01 和359. 73 kg·hm-2 。综合分析结果显示:续随子种子产量和总脂产量与种植行距无关,但与是否打顶有关;打顶增产方式不适用于续随子的种植。


During cultivating of Euphorbia lathyris Linn., different row spacing (25, 30 and 35 cm) and different topping measures (topping at 1, 2, 3 and 4 months after sprouting, respectively, taking no topping as the control) were applied, variation of its agronomic traits (including dry weight per plant, height and seed 1 000-grain weight), seed yield, content and yield of total lipid were analyzed and compared, hereby, its suitable row spacing and topping measure were also selected. The results show that there are obvious differences in every agronomic traits, seed yield, content and yield of total lipid under different cultivating conditions. With increasing of row spacing, dry weight per plant, height and 1 000- grain weight generally increase; there is no obvious difference in seed yield; total lipid content appears generally a decreasing trend; and there is no obvious changing regularity in total lipid yield. And row spacing has the significant effects on dry weight per plant, height and total lipid content but has no obvious effects on seed 1 000-grain weight, seed yield and total lipid yield. With delaying of topping time, dry weight per plant of E. lathyris gradually increases; height and seed 1 000-grain weight all  appear a fluctuation trend; seed yield appears a trend of firstly high and then low; and changing range in content and yield of total lipid is not great. And all of agronomic traits, seed yield, content and yield of total lipid in no topping treatment (the control) are higher than those in topping treatments. General, topping treatment has an extremely significant influence on seed 1 000-grain weight, seed yield, content and yield of total lipid. Taking 30 cm row spacing and no topping method, seed yield and total lipid yield of E. lathyris are all the highest with 871. 01 and 359. 73 kg · hm-2, respectively. Comprehensive analysis result indicates that yields of seed and total lipid of E. lathyris are not related to row spacing, while related to whether or not topping. And topping measure for yield increasing is not suitable for E. lathyris planting.

关键词续随子; 行距; 打顶; 农艺性状; 总脂含量; 种子产量
Key wordsEuphorbia lathyris Linn.; row spacing; topping; agronomic trait; total lipid content; seed yield
作者顾子霞, 郭建林, 孙小芹, 李密密, 杭悦宇
所在单位江苏省•中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园) 江苏省植物迁地保护重点实验室, 江苏南京210014