2025年3月14日 星期五
Determination of components of flavonoids and quinic acids in different organs of Gynura bicolor by HPLC method
2020年 第29卷 第6期 页码[66-68]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

Contents of rutin, isoquercitrin, kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside, neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid, 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid and 4,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid in root, stem and leaf of Gynura bicolor (Willd.) DC. were determined by using HPLC method. The results show that all 7 components can be detected in leaf of G. bicolor, and their contents are 0.279-4.804 mg·g-1, in which, contents of chlorogenic acid and isoquercitrin are relatively high, while contents of rutin and neochlorogenic acid are relatively low; only chlorogenic acid, 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid and 4,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid are detected in its root and stem, and their contents are all significantly lower than those in leaf. It is recommended that leaf of G. bicolor can be used as the medicinal part based on the measured result.

关键词红凤菜; 黄酮类; 奎宁酸类; HPLC法; 药用部位
Key wordsGynura bicolor (Willd.) DC.; flavonoids; quinic acids; HPLC method; medicinal part
作者鲜新, 吕寒, 孟秀花, 马丽, 刘艳, 任冰如①, 陈剑
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园) 江苏省抗糖尿病药物筛选技术服务中心, 江苏 南京 210014