2024年12月12日 星期四
Analysis on chemical components in above-ground part of Iris bulleyana from ShangriLa of Yunnan Province
2022年 第31卷 第2期 页码[22-38]    下载全文[1.1MB]  

利用广泛靶向代谢组学方法对云南香格里拉西南鸢尾(Iris bulleyana Dykes)地上部分的化合物类型和相对含量进行了详细分析。结果表明:在西南鸢尾地上部分共检测到11大类431种化合物,其中,黄酮类化合物最多(116种),占比26.9%;脂质类、氨基酸及其衍生物、酚酸类、核苷酸及其衍生物、有机酸类、生物碱类以及木脂素和香豆素类化合物分别有58、52、40、36、34、24和20种,占比分别为13.4%、12.1%、9.3%、8.4%、7.9%、5.6%和4.6%;鞣质类和萜类化合物较少,分别只有6和2种,占比各为1.4%和0.5%;其他化合物相对较多(43种),占比10.0%。总体来看,黄酮类化合物是西南鸢尾地上部分的主要化学成分,且西南鸢尾地上部分的很多化合物具有重要的药用价值,开发利用前景广阔。值得注意的是,西南鸢尾地上部分还含有葫芦巴碱、6-脱氧荞麦碱和色胺等生物碱类成分,推测这些生物碱类成分可能是中甸牦牛(Bos grunniens Linn.)拒食营养生长期西南鸢尾的主要原因。


 Compound types and relative contents in aboveground part of Iris bulleyana Dykes from ShangriLa of Yunnan Province were analyzed in detail by using widely targeted metabolomic method. The results show that 431 compounds of 11 types are detected in aboveground part of I. bulleyana, in which, the number of flavonoids is the most (116), accounting for 26.9%; the numbers of lipids, amino acids and their derivatives, phenolic acids, nucleotides and their derivatives, organic acids, alkaloids, and lignans and coumarins are 58, 52, 40, 36, 34, 24, and 20, accounting for 13.4%, 12.1%, 9.3%, 8.4%, 7.9%, 5.6%, and 4.6%, respectively; the numbers of tannins and terpenoids are relatively few, which are only 6 and 2, accounting for 1.4% and 0.5%, respectively; other compounds are relatively more (43), accounting for 10.0%. Overall, flavonoids are the main chemical components in aboveground part of I. bulleyana, and many compounds in aboveground part of I. bulleyana have important medicinal values, which have a great development and utilization prospect. Notably, there are alkaloids in aboveground part of I. bulleyana, such as trigonelline, 6deoxyfagomine, and tryptamine, and these alkaloids may be the main reason for food refusal of Bos grunniens Linn. against I. bulleyana at vegetative growth phase.

关键词西南鸢尾; 化学成分; 黄酮类; 生物碱类; 广泛靶向代谢组学
Key wordsIris bulleyana Dykes; chemical component; flavonoids; alkaloids; widely targeted metabolomics
作者和云凤1a,1b,2, 和贵文1a, 刘黎煊1a, 王飞1a, 和嘉华2, 陈学礼2, 都吉2, 郭爱伟1a,1b
所在单位1. 西南林业大学: a. 生命科学学院, b. 云南省高校林木生物技术重点实验室, 云南 昆明 650224;2. 云南省迪庆藏族自治州高原生物研究所, 云南 香格里拉 674499
基金项目云南省优势特色重点学科生物学一级学科建设项目(50097505); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31460609)