摘要 | 对薄壳山核桃〔Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch〕8个主栽品种的花期以及8个主栽品种和12个开花结实表现较好的品种的雌花可授期和雄花散粉期进行观察,确定品种配置方案。结果显示:薄壳山核桃8个主栽品种的花期基本在4月中下旬至5月中上旬。‘波尼’(‘Pawnee’)的初花期最早,‘金华’(‘Jinhua’)的初花期最晚。‘马罕’(‘Mahan’)的终花期最早,‘金华’的终花期最晚。‘波尼’和‘卡多’(‘Caddo’)雌花的盛花期持续时间为15 d,其余6个主栽品种雌花和雄花的盛花期持续5~9 d。‘波尼’、‘卡多’、‘曼丹’(‘Mandan’)和‘苏普锐尔’(‘Surprize’)的可授期持续11~14 d。总体上看,‘波尼’和‘卡多’的可授期与其余主栽品种的散粉期重叠,且二者的散粉期与其余主栽品种的可授期重叠。‘金华’的可授期与‘马罕’、‘绍兴’(‘Shaoxing’)、‘威奇塔’(‘Wichita’)、‘斯图尔特’(‘Stuart’)和‘特贾斯’(‘Tejas’)的散粉期重叠。8个主栽品种的散粉期持续5~7 d,其中,‘波尼’的散粉期最早开始,‘金华’的散粉期最晚开始。‘金华’、‘威奇塔’、‘斯图尔特’、‘特贾斯’、‘曼丹’和‘苏普锐尔’可以作为‘波尼’和‘卡多’的授粉树,‘波尼’、‘卡多’、‘曼丹’和‘苏普锐尔’可以作为‘马罕’、‘绍兴’、‘威奇塔’、‘斯图尔特’和‘特贾斯’的授粉树。
Abstract | The flowering periods of eight main cultivars of pecan 〔Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch〕 and the receptivity stage of female flower and pollen shedding stage of male flower of eight main cultivars and 12 cultivars with good flowering and fruiting performance were observed, and the cultivar configuration plan was determined. The results show that the flowering periods of eight main pecan cultivars are basically from mid-to-late April to early-to-mid May. The first flowering stage of ‘Pawnee’ is the earliest, while that of ‘Jinhua’ is the latest. The final flowering stage of ‘Mahan’ is the earliest, while that of ‘Jinhua’ is the latest. The durations of full flowering stages of female flowers of ‘Pawnee’ and ‘Caddo’ are 15 d, while those of female and male flowers of the other six main cultivars are 5-9 d. The durations of receptivity stages of ‘Pawnee’, ‘Caddo’, ‘Mandan’, and ‘Surprize’ are 11-14 d. In general, the receptivity stages of ‘Pawnee’ and ‘Caddo’ overlap with the pollen shedding stages of the other main cultivars, and the pollen shedding stages of them overlap with the receptivity stages of the other main cultivars. The receptivity stage of ‘Jinhua’ overlaps with the pollen shedding stages of ‘Mahan’, ‘Shaoxing’, ‘Wichita’, ‘Stuart’, and ‘Tejas’. The durations of pollen shedding stages of eight main cultivars are 5-7 d, in which, the pollen shedding stage of ‘Pawnee’ begins earliest, while that of ‘Jinhua’ begins latest. ‘Jinhua’, ‘Wichita’, ‘Stuart’, ‘Tejas’, ‘Mandan’, and ‘Surprize’ can serve as pollination trees for ‘Pawnee’ and ‘Caddo’, while ‘Pawnee’, ‘Caddo’, ‘Mandan’, and ‘Surprize’ can serve as pollination trees for ‘Mahan’, ‘Shaoxing’, ‘Wichita’, ‘Stuart’, and ‘Tejas’.
关键词 | 薄壳山核桃; 花期; 雌花可授期; 雄花散粉期 |
Key words | pecan 〔Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch〕; flowering period; receptivity stage of female flower; pollen shedding stage of male flower |
作者 | 崔元博a,b, 储国林a,b, 赵娟a,b, 陈浩宇a,b, 马文娟a,b, 谭鹏鹏a,b, 彭方仁a,b |
所在单位 | 南京林业大学: a. 南方现代林业协同创新中心, b. 林草学院、水土保持学院, 江苏 南京 210037 |
点击量 | 992 |
下载次数 | 973 |
基金项目 | 林业和草原科技成果国家级推广项目(2023133126); 中央财政林业科技推广示范资金项目(苏[2022]TG04) |