2025年3月14日 星期五
The analyses of soluble protein in America ginseng and ginseng by PAGE
2001年 第10卷 第3期 页码[59-60]    下载全文[0.3MB]  

The soluble protein of Panax quinquelium L .and P .gingseng C .A .Mey were analyzed by mean of PAGE .When
the concentration of separating gel is 12
%, P .quinquelium presents a characteristic strip C3 (Mw 150 00), while P .gingseng presents two characteristic strips A1 (Mw 927 00)and C2 (Mw 194 00).This method is used for distinguishing P .quinquelium and P .gingseng simplely .

关键词西洋参; 人参; 可溶蛋白; 电泳
Key wordsPanax quinquelium L .; P .gingseng C.A .Mey; soluble protein; PAGE
作者杭悦宇 , 张垂胜 , 史芸芸
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 江苏 南京 210014)