2025年3月14日 星期五
Bioinformatics analysis on alcohol dehydrogenase genes in Vigna radiata and changes of their expression characteristics under cadmium stress
2022年 第31卷 第2期 页码[10-21]    下载全文[6.8MB]  

 基于绿豆〔Vigna radiata (Linn.) R. Wilczek〕基因组注释文件鉴定乙醇脱氢酶基因(ADHs),并采用生物信息学方法分析了绿豆ADHs基因结构及其编码的氨基酸序列的理化特性和系统关系;运用转录组和酶学方法分析了Cd胁迫条件下绿豆幼苗根、茎和叶片中ADHs基因的表达量和ADH酶活性的变化。结果表明:绿豆基因组含有15个ADHs基因,依次命名为VrADH1至VrADH15;15个VrADHs基因的序列长度为237~1 603 bp,其中,仅VrADH10基因包含2个内含子和2个外显子,其他VrADHs基因分别包含7~9个内含子和7~10个外显子。15个VrADHs的氨基酸序列中,除VrADH1和VrADH10外,其他VrADHs均含有10个motif。15个VrADHs的氨基酸残基数为78~444,相对分子质量8 840~48 390,等电点pI 4.83~pI 8.22,亲水性系数-0.259~0.090;其中,仅VrADH10属于短链脱氢酶,其他VrADHs均属于中、长链脱氢酶;仅VrADH10含有ADH_N结构域,其他VrADHs均含有ADH_N和ADH_zinc_N结构域,且VrADH1还含有ADH_zinc_N_2结构域。NJ系统发育树将15个VrADHs及大豆〔Glycine max (Linn.) Merr.〕的31个GmADHs和拟南芥〔Arabidopsis thaliana (Linn.) Heynh.〕的8个AtADHs分为3个分支,其中绿豆与大豆的ADHs亲缘关系更近。转录组和酶活性分析结果显示:VrADH7、VrADH8和VrADH10基因在根、茎和叶片中均未表达,而其他VrADHs基因均不同程度表达,且表达水平随生长时间而异;在根、茎和叶片中相对表达量最高的基因分别为VrADH1、VrADH3和VrADH14。经100 μmol·L-1 Cd胁迫处理后,多数VrADHs基因的相对表达量较对照上调,且部分基因的相对表达量与对照差异显著(P<0.05)。经Cd胁迫处理后绿豆幼苗根、茎和叶片中ADH酶活性总体上均高于对照。综合分析结果表明:绿豆幼苗根、茎和叶片中VrADHs基因的表达特性存在明显差异,部分VrADHs基因的表达呈现组织特异性;Cd胁迫处理后绿豆幼苗ADH酶活性的升高与某些VrADHs基因的表达水平上调有关,表明这些VrADHs基因参与了绿豆对Cd胁迫的响应过程。


 Alcohol dehydrogenase genes (ADHs) were identified based on the genome annotation file of Vigna radiata (Linn.) R. Wilczek, and the genetic structures of ADHs of V. radiata and the physicochemical properties and systematic relationships of their encoded amino acid sequences were analyzed by using bioinformatics method; the changes of expression levels of ADHs and activities of ADH enzyme in roots, stems, and leaves of V. radiata seedlings under Cd stress condition were analyzed by using transcriptome and enzymology methods. The results show that there are 15 ADHs  in V. radiata genome, which are named as VrADH1 to VrADH15 in sequence; the sequence length of 15 VrADHs are 237-1 603 bp, in which, only VrADH10 contains 2 introns and 2 exons, and the other VrADHs contain 7-9 introns and 7-10 exons. Among the amino acid sequences of 15 VrADHs, all VrADHs except VrADH1 and VrADH10 contain 10 motifs. The number of amino acid residues of 15 VrADHs are 78-444, the relative molecular masses are 8 840-48 390, the isoelectric points are pI 4.83-pI 8.22, and the hydrophilic coefficients are -0.259-0.090; in which, only VrADH10 belongs to short-chain dehydrogenase, and the other VrADHs belong to medium or longchain dehydrogenases; only VrADH10 contains ADH_N domain, the other VrADHs all contain ADH_N and ADH_zinc_N domains, and VrADH1 also contains ADH_zinc_N_2 domain. The 15 VrADHs, 31 GmADHs of Glycine max (Linn.) Merr., and 8 AtADHs of Arabidopsis thaliana (Linn.) Heynh. are grouped into three branches by NJ phylogenetic tree, in which, the relationships of ADHs between V.radiata and G. max are closer. The analysis results of transcriptome and enzyme activities show that VrADH7, VrADH8, and VrADH10 are not expressed in roots, stems, and leaves, while the other VrADHs are all expressed at different degrees, and the expression levels vary with the growth time; genes with the highest relative expression levels in roots, stems, and leaves are VrADH1, VrADH3, and VrADH14, respectively. The relative expression levels of most VrADHs are upregulated compared with the control after treated with 100 μmol·L-1 Cd stress, and the relative expression levels of some genes are significantly (P<0.05) different from the control. The ADH enzyme activities of roots, stems, and leaves of V. radiata seedlings after Cd stress treatment are generally higher than those of the control. The comprehensive analysis results show that there are evident differences in expression characteristics of VrADHs in roots, stems, and leaves of V. radiata seedlings, and expression of some of the VrADHs show tissue specificity; the increase of activity of ADH enzyme of V. radiata seedlings after Cd stress treatment is related to the up-regulation of some VrADHs, suggesting that these VrADHs are involved in the response process of V. radiata to Cd stress.

关键词绿豆; 乙醇脱氢酶基因; 转录组; 镉胁迫; 表达特性
Key wordsVigna radiata (Linn.) R. Wilczek; alcohol dehydrogenase gene; transcriptome; cadmium stress; expression characteristics
作者程斌, 张创娟, 杨乐, 冷艳, 李师翁
所在单位兰州交通大学生物与制药工程学院, 甘肃 兰州 730070