摘要 | 对福建省长汀县石峰寨风景区桂花〔Osmanthus fragrans (Thunb .)Lour.〕次生林群落的上坡位、中坡位、下坡位和整个坡面的群落种类组成、重要值和物种多样性等研究表明 ,该桂花次生林群落各坡位的物种特征有一定差别 ;群落立地单元不同 ,其优势度和均匀度也不同 ;中坡位的立地条件最优 ,群落优势度最小 ;桂花在上坡位的重要值最大 ;桂花对严酷自然环境的适应能力较强 . |
Abstract | Species composition, important value and species diversity of the secondary forest community of Osmanthus fragrans ( Thunb. )Lour. respectively on the upper part, middle part, lower part and whole slope were studied in Shifengzhai of Changting County, Fujian Province. The results showed that there were some differences on species characteristic among different places on the slope where secondary forest community of O. fragrans grew , and so were dominance and equality of the community. The site of middle part of the slope was the best, where dominance of community was the smallest. The important value of O. fragrans was the biggest on the upper slope. O. fragrans adapted to harsh nature environment well. This conclusion provided the direction for protection and recovery of natural O. fragrans resources. |
关键词 | 桂花; 次生林群落; 植物区系成分; 重要值; 物种多样性 |
Key words | Osmanthus fragrans ( Thunb . )Lour.; secondary forest community; regional composition of plant; important value; diversity of species |
作者 | 董建文1 , 范小明2 , 吴东来2 , 陈广华2 |
所在单位 | 1.福建农林大学, 福建 南平 353001; 2 福建省长汀县林业局, 福建 长汀 366300 |
点击量 | 1338 |
下载次数 | 1018 |
基金项目 | 福建省种苗工程项目“优良乡土阔叶树种造林”部分内容; |